Blending Faith and Fantasy in Heavenly Places: Coram Deo
I am a Christian. My faith informs my roles as a husband, father, veteran, and professional. I was born and raised in Rochester, NY. I have lived in Michigan for about twenty years. I’m married to the best person I know, Wendy. We have four kids, Richard, Camryn, Devin, and Aubree. We have a dog, Leo, who is the boss of all of us.
Heavenly Places: Coram Deo is a story of faith and fantasy forced to coexist in a faraway world. Through a strange sequence of events the Biblical God of the universe has revealed himself to the myriad people of Aeramor. He has changed part of that world into a version of the ancient Middle East called the Fertile Crescent. He then called Christians from Earth to guide his new chosen people to the truth. The enemy saw this as an opportunity to change his own long-predetermined fate. Employing demons and people willing to help destroy the faithful of Adonai, the enemy seeks to change the future.
From Tabletop to Novels: Bridging Fantasy and Faith for All Ages
This fantasy series was inspired by our home tabletop roleplaying game. In 2022 we started fostering our now adopted daughter, Aubree. We wanted to do fun and educational things together. I suggested we try a roleplaying adventure, and they agreed so I created the Heavenly Places.
The novels are loosely based on the game characters and their adventures. The target audience for the books is purposely broad. I wrote them for fans of fantasy but kept them child friendly. My goal is that these stories bridge the perceived gap that Christians and non-Christians have been fortifying between themselves for centuries.
James 1:27: A Theme of Compassion and Choices for the Main Characters
That fact brings the theme of James 1:27 to the forefront. It says, “Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” The main characters will need to decide if they will continue their current mission, take on this new mission, or both.
Exciting Developments: Upcoming Books and TTRPG Resources for Heavenly Places
The future of the Heavenly Places is bright. You can learn more about the characters and explore the lore of Aeramor for free on my website. On the TTRPG side, you can get the Heavenly Places: A New Thing Campaign Guide in two book formats on Amazon now or in digital pdf on DriveThru RPG.
This campaign takes players from level 1-10. Heavenly Places: Diaspora, the second campaign, is in the works for level 10-20 adventuring. The second novel in the series, Heavenly Places: Solus Deus, is in final editing for a September 2024 release. The third in the series, Heavenly Places: Gracia Dei, is plotted. I’ll begin writing it soon!
Thank you, Author’s Lounge, for giving a first-time indie author a platform. The writing and editing of a book are daunting but the most difficult job is marketing yourself and your work. The Author’s Lounge provides a great avenue to do just that, and I am grateful!