Author Feature: Wayman Jackson Penning Christian Fiction

by | Dec 9, 2023 | Author Feature | 0 comments

Not everyone has enough creative capacity to craft moving and captivating Christian fiction novels, but author Wayman Jackson creates his name through this.

Christian fiction may sound straightforward to the unknowing ear. It sounds simple and self-explanatory, the definition seemingly weaved in the name: a fictional genre of religious substance. These stories contain fantasy and imaginary elements with Christian and religious undertones, using Biblical figures and content to play the narratives out.

However, as much as its name deems it understandable, Christian fiction is complex.

After all, when utilizing Biblical content or crafting relative scenes, how can authors ensure they’re writing stories that can be separated from the scriptures? And if they veer from its original context, there’s also the risk of creating something near blasphemous if authors write carelessly. Christian fiction is an intricate craft that itself from clean fiction but one that stays within its vicinity to avoid sounding profane – contradicting its primary purpose.

Christian Fiction From The Lens Of An Adept Author

Although the genre is predominantly written for believers by believers, only some have the hand to entwine imagination with religion. Both are extreme opposites of a spectrum. Religion is a matter of authenticity and faith. At the same time, imagination is an affair of creativity, an exaggeration of occurrences to create a flare of entertainment that catches people’s interest and attention.

There is an evident disparity between both. Hence, it comes as no surprise how it can be a complex genre to create, even for the most competent and creative authors.

Christian fiction is about finding the right balance between visionary and maintaining faith-centered respect. It’s writing stories that are exciting but don’t disrespect or dishonor religion. This is where most authors might find themselves in a tussle.

Some Christian authors write novels that are overtly Christian. These materials are firmly religious, with their holy books aimed at preaching and spreading the message of God. On the other hand, some authors become very imaginative, crafting worlds and narratives that genuinely challenge the bounds of reality. A perfect Christian fiction author must balance both elements, creating a beautiful overlap of these literary aspects – something that author Wayman Jackson has mastered over time and showcased in his The Sword of the Spirit series.

Wayman Jackson’s The Sword Of The Spirit

Wayman Jackson is a writer focused on crafting Christian fiction that connects people to Christ. As a way to easily bridge individuals, especially the younger generations, Wayman decided to combine his artistry in storytelling and worldbuilding with ministering the gospel. Using his skills, he has crafted three stories in his The Sword of the Spirit series, all geared to preach God’s gospels.

The three books are all fictional narratives that combine fantasy with religious concepts, taking readers on an exciting adventure and salvation of Jesus. Combining his life experiences of preaching and his profound faith with his expertise in writing, Wayman Jackson has mastered the intricate balance needed in Christian writing. The Sword of the Spirit is the perfect material for people looking to get a profound understanding of religion while still having the modern experience of literature.

First Book, The Sword of the Spirit: City on the Brink

The Sword of the Spirit: City on the Brink follows the story of Hezekiah, who was tasked to save the city of Sodom from destruction. However, while executing this mission, he finds himself in the clutches of death, which he’ll fortunately get rescued from by the Son of God. City on the Brink talks about eternal judgment and God’s salvation, tackling concepts of temptation and evil through its fantasy elements, such as dark angels and warriors.

Will Hezekiah survive the dark forces and complete his mission?

The Sword of the Spirit: In the Shadow of Death

Wayman’s last installment of the series, follows the spirit of death, who gets tasked to kill Hezekiah and others on the same mission as him. As a connection to the previous book, In the Shadow of Death provides a more in-depth look at Hezekiah’s mission and what he must undergo to complete it.

Can Hezekiah defeat the Death Angel and save Central City from destruction?

The Sword of the Spirit: The Full Armor of God

In the series’ second book, the protagonist, Hezekiah, faces the last leg of his mission and inches the closest to death he can get. The people who once supported and protected him throughout his adventure find themselves turning against him due to some unfortunate circumstances. Hezekiah must fight through these obstacles and see the full armor of God; only then will he save the city.


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