The Handbook for Being Human

by | Jan 4, 2025 | Author | 1 comment

Finding Clarity in Life’s Uncertainty

Do you ever feel like you’re aimlessly drifting through life? No clear direction or pathway? Life keeps happening to you and you feel utterly helpless, no matter what you do, it doesn’t seem to be enough or the right decision? There is a sentiment that we didn’t arrive on Earth with a handbook, that we have to learn along the way on this journey of life.

Well, now you do.

Unlocking Your True Potential

The Handbook for Being Human is your guidebook through life. No more aimlessly wandering through life, not knowing which way to turn or which direction to go in. Cease doubting your existence. No matter where you are on life’s journey, this handbook is designed to awaken and unleash your brilliance, your massive potential that is locked inside you, innate within you, reconnect with the highest version of you and live a life you love. That is your birthright!

Transforming Through Co-Creation

Everywhere I looked I could see suffering. My own previous existence was one of survival. I had hit rock bottom so many times in my life, until I leaned into life, co-created with the Universe (some call God), and began to embrace life. This led me to learning and unlearning how to co-create with the Universe and my life began to change.

Sharing the Wisdom of Transformation

I felt compelled to share this wisdom with the world. I wanted to help others shift from their dire circumstances, feeling trapped, stuck, broke and broken, to enable them to become a willing and eager participant in their life and create a life they love. This intention continued to spur me forward in life. It hounded me until I took inspired action.

Divinely Guided Creation

The moment I sat down to write this book, the bulk was written over a weekend and completed within a week. Every word you read in this book is divinely channeled by the Universe. It is written as a guidebook, complete with thought-provoking and inspiring questions, designed to ignite and awaken your own brilliance, trapped and hidden within you.

A Lifelong Companion for Transformation

This is not simply a book you pick up, read and place back on your shelf. It is designed as a life companion. No matter where you are on life’s journey, it will continue to ignite the next level of you. 

As you navigate through the handbook, you will begin to gain clarity and direction for your life. You will learn to manifest from the soul and by co-creating with the Universe. 

No matter what life throws at you, you will have the means and way to calm the chaos and even use it as a launch pad for your life.

Awakening Your Untapped Potential

This guidebook is reconnecting you to the most powerful force on Earth, your untapped human potential. It lies dormant within you, waiting for you to awaken and harness this creative power and become the conscious creator of your life. If you’ve been wondering why everyone else seems to manifest their dreams while you remain stuck in the same cycles. Or trying really hard to manifest better for yourself, but can’t seem to catch a break.

It’s time to break the repeating cycle that has kept you trapped throughout your life. It’s time to unlock and unleash your magnificence to embrace and enjoy life.

I’m grateful for the Reader’s Lounge to be providing a platform for readers and authors to come together, in support of each other. 

Guiding You to Your Purpose and Success

My mission is simple, to help you uncover yours. I will lead and encourage you every step of the way, ensuring you no longer fumble in the dark, feeling lost or lonely. If I can save you from some of the heartaches and challenges I faced, then I am fulfilling my purpose.

Through my work, I’ve guided thousands of women and men around the world, to unlock their potential, and to help them manifest the life of their dreams.

Your time is now.

To your inevitable success,

Aida Jasmine 

Spiritual Teacher & Author

1 Comment

  1. Aida Jasmine

    Thank you to everyone who has read or desires to read my book.
    I am truly grateful to be able to share this wisdom with you.
    To your inevitable success.

    Connect with me:


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