Photo by Matt Hardy
On That Day by Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets is a trilogy of books that preaches the Great Commission of Christ as was described in Matthew 28:19-20:
19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.
Author Thomas Fitzhugh Sheets presents the case of Christ’s return by laying out the perennial doctrine established during the 1st-century church. He further expounds on the stability and importance of faith by expanding upon the lessons that Christ described succinctly and vividly in the Parable of the Ten Virgins (otherwise known as Parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins or Parable of the ten bridesmaids).
Overview of Matthew 28:19-20
Before the Son of God ascended to take his place as the right hand of Heavenly Father beyond the pearly gates, He called upon all his disciples and the twelve apostles and told them that—with all authority had been invested upon Him by God—the final assignment he would give them was for them to travel across the world and spread His divine word, baptize them under the auspicious names of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, the Holy Trinity. And to wait for His return at the end of the age.
This is the Great Commission, as commanded by Christ after His resurrection. Emphasis on the word “commanded.” A commission is something that is necessary and binding; it is a task that should be done, however, whenever and wherever possible. When you accept Christ into your heart and are baptized, the Great Commission is paramount above all else.
Explaining the Great Commission
Although the Great Commission is a command given to all believers by Christ, it does not mean that all Christians must cease all that they are doing and go out and preach the divine word of Christ, only that if they are called upon or find themselves in a situation where it is possible, the Great Commission must hold the highest precedence.
It is not a sin to not be proactive with the Great Commission, but it certainly is when you wilfully avoid the chance to conduct it. This means that when there is someone who bears questions, you try your best to answer them or guide them toward someone who has the answers. This means that when a non-believer confronts you about your beliefs, you stand firm and defend your faith. To do so otherwise would be a sin of omission, which is denying your rightful duty to the Lord.
These words, though only spoken verbally to Christ’s apostles and disciples, are not only limited to them. They are for all those who profess to follow His teachings and believe in His life, death, and resurrection. If you are a Christian, that means you are a disciple of Christ, and being a disciple of Christ means committing oneself to finish His commands, which the Great Commission is one of.
The Importance of Christ’s Command
Although the Great Commission is inherently important by virtue of it being a command that Jesus Christ has commanded His followers to carry, it is also important because it is the project of humanity’s eternal salvation. The Great Commission is not merely a command, but it is the most effective vehicle toward a paradise for all of God’s thinking creations. The importance of the Great Commission is the vast mercy that emanates from it, the goodness of the Lord, and the power of the Holy Spirit.