Summoner Mage by Tarren Guy

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Author | 0 comments

Embarking on an Epic Journey: Unveiling ‘Summoner Mage’

Welcome to the Authors’ Lounge and thank you for your interest in my new novel “Summoner Mage”. A story that drew inspiration from a dream I had where I was stuck in a time loop via a rift that involved a minotaur chasing me with an ebony axe. And though that was the spark that ignited this tale, as I dove into the lands of Varld and discovered its history, the adventure evolved, characters took shape and the fallout of an eternal conflict could be traced back to the beginnings of time.

The story revolves around Genji, a Mage taking his final exam to gain the rank of Summoner Mage. Due to his inability to think under pressure the exam doesn’t go to plan and Genji summons to the exam room a young girl, Hazel, shrouded in darkness. As the child’s will be greater than both Genji’s and the examiners, she stopped them from sending her home forcing Genji to take her on as his ward or risk failing the exam. He does so and travels to his home 1000 years in the past.

A Knight’s Tormented Quest: Seeking a Mage’s End

In this age was a knight, Tristan, who hunted Mages. Due to past pain, Tristan felt justified in joining the Mage Killer ranks to eradicate Mages from Varld. On the field of Battle, Tristan became possessed by a powerful entity and from that point wouldn’t let him die from any wound or ailment and yet wouldn’t heal the knight or block out the pain he would now constantly carry. He felt compelled to end his life to end his torment, realizing only a Mage could facilitate this resolution.

Quest for the Lost Sword: A Journey of Redemption and Survival

It was Genji that he stumbled upon and with the Mage’s access to future libraries and intelligence, Tristan was able to access information on a sword powerful enough to destroy any creature in existence. The problem arose when the sword disappeared following the assassination of a neighboring king. With no knowledge of just how long they had left to find this weapon and with a horde of the Mage Killer Knights on their heels, Genji, Hazel (now Aski after relinquishing her former, terrible life), Tristan, and one other Mage, Beverlin, would need to journey across the land to find this sword and put an end to Tristan’s suffering.

Beverlin was always an enigma to me. She was designed to slow down scenes and uncover Genji’s inner complexities, offering readers insight and comprehension. She returned out of necessity as Genji’s only friend in a time of need. As I continued to write I realised more and more, she was integrating herself into the party and the novel. The more I seemed to place restrictions on her character, the more she pushed back taking what she wanted and showing me I had no say in her life. I even tried to kill her off at one point only to fail in this venture also. She was able to survive and even find a way to prevent further attempts.

Future Adventures: Unveiling Worlds and Unraveling Mysteries

I have plans for two more novels with these characters and a number of other novels taking place at historical points in time mentioned throughout Summoner Mage, Child of Darkness, and The Immortal Knight. You will see worlds topple, Darkness emerge, and the Academy of Mage Craft laid to waste and as I am but a vessel to put word to paper I look forward to finding out just how these things could come about.

Empowering Through Storytelling: Addressing Dark Realities and Inspiring Hope

I have written this novel with young adults and adults in mind. The themes and imagery presented in this novel require a mature audience to comprehend and embrace. Still, I can’t help but feel for some the message may come too late. A friend once told me of their personal abuse and the character Aski was created to address this issue, to show the long reaching effects, and maybe offer a spark of hope to anyone that has or is currently experiencing the same darkness in their life. I would love to inspire the good in people and sow the seeds of a better tomorrow through both likeable and relatable characters.

Journey of Self-Discovery and Literary Evolution

Reading and writing has always been something I have loved to do. I am self-taught and have picked up some of the intricacies of the art, recreating them into my novels. Looking back over scribblings and part manuscripts of earlier ideas I can see just how much I have grown, how much my writing has evolved. It wasn’t until I missed a Birthday for my Dad, also an avid reader, just from my mind’s attention being elsewhere, that I finally forged a self-published novel for him and continued crafting works that I could release. I look forward to creating future works for your entertainment.

To find my book, you can grab it on amazon.


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