Experience May Vary by Brandon Rose

by | Jul 23, 2024 | Author | 1 comment

Power, Honor, and Redemption: A Saga of Family, Fate, and the Streets of Seattle

Experience May Vary : A fictional look into a non fictional life 

“Experience May Vary” a story about my life, told in a fictional light in an alternate timeline to our own. The origin of the story starts as any good book should: A girl, and an offer. The book reflects on the true powers that run Seattle. The families and their ties to the preservation of the city, and how behind the scenes there are players trying to reignite a war. The board, the most powerful group made up of one member from every family. Their rule is law, and honor binds them to each other.

The loss of my wife brings familiar faces back into the picture. A chance to go back, a place I once called home and was told never to return to. This is only one of a series where we will see how it all begins. How a small series of events leads two brothers into a world of money, power, fame. The gangster life is too great to deny entry into, and for one he finally feels at home.

Whispers of Destiny: Bonds, Betrayals, and the Balance of Power

She enters into his life as what seemed like a whisper in the wind. Her fragrance of vanilla subdued the inner turmoil. She was his counterbalance, his princess, Harley Quinn to his joker. And god help the soul who ever disrespected his princess. The brothers become a force unlike any other, and the city bows to their feet…or do they? 

The detective who was there when the unspeakable happened to shatter his world. Twenty years later, history was set to repeat itself again. Would the players unknowingly cause the spark to ignite that flame. Enemies become friends, detectives become more curious, and the shadows pulling the strings in the background watch…..and wait. “We don’t directly intervene, and we don’t make it personal” he said, pouring himself another drink. “So then what is our job?” he asked, confused. “We keep the balance…..by any means necessary”. 

Teenage Tales: Blurring Reality and Fiction, Inspired by Life’s Mysteries

I lived through some very interesting events in my teenage years. The book draws from those experiences, but adds a layer of mystery, hence the title. I wanted to write something that didn’t have a right or wrong way to read it. There was no way for the audience to know what was real, what was semi real, and what was fiction. I sat down one summer and watched Showtime’s “Californication”. Hank Moody’s worldview and his experiences as a successful author were something I greatly admired. I was like “maybe I could write a book. Who knows, maybe I’ll sell a few copies.” 

It wasn’t though until I was on Facebook one night, and Kevin Smith was talking about his story behind creating the movie Clerks. And something he said in that interview was the catalyst for me to decide that I wanted to try writing something. I could tell a good story, why not try getting paid for it and at the same time make a series that people years from now will still be asking the question of what’s real, what’s semi real, and what’s fiction.

Thrilling Noir: A Tapestry of Intrigue, Inspiration, and Unpredictable Truths

Anyone who likes a good story with a lot of detail, who wants to dive into a world inspired by Ray Donovan, The Gentleman, Sopranos, and The Godfather. Mix in a little Hitman, some romance and a bit of bad language. Someone who wants a mystery where whatever they think is true, is. And whatever isn’t, is also right. Young adult and up just from the standpoint that it would likely be a R rated movie. 

Inviting Interpretation: Unveiling Layers of Respect and Resilience

That a good story doesn’t always have to say everything. I want readers to be able to start groups on Reddit and Threads and talk about their theories in the book. To see the underlying principles of what makes a person truly respected. And maybe for those who aren’t feeling confident about themselves, maybe going through some kind of rough time can see that they aren’t alone. That someone can relate because they’re going through the same thing as they write the words on paper. 

Path to Success: From Recognition to Series Expansion

Since Author’s Lounge was nice enough to extend this article, the first step is giving credit to them on exposure. From there, writing more books. Eight is the magic number I’ve got planned so far (#2 is already done, #3 is in progress). I’d love to see Netflix or Hulu pick it up as a mini series, like what they did for Luther. I’d like to also write some spin offs of the individual characters themselves, and how they become part of the main story. 

Roots and Inspirations: From Family Ties to Literary Influences

Oldest of 4 siblings, Washington state born and raised. As a kid I fell in love with Brian Jacques and his Redwall series. A lot of the style of this book is actually derived from his style of having several stories going at once and then combining in the end. The difference here is that the end will be several books down the road. I’m an Overwatch player and streamer, I love video games, 90’s TV shows, and movies. I pulled a lot of inspiration in styling this from all of this. I can only hope that everyone who reads this book enjoys it to some degree.

You can check out and grab my book available on amazon.

1 Comment

  1. Brandon Rose

    I am slowly working on getting more social media presence setup as well. I am on IG, there’s a reddit page setup for people to post their comments and fan theories. Threads is up as well and will start posting more there too. This is definitely a book for people who love a good mystery. It’s a story with a lot of detail that paints a picture of Seattle that those who live here will identify with, and those who don’t can get into this without any previous knowledge.


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