A Call To Intercession by Arnester White

by | Jul 13, 2023 | Author | 0 comments

A Call to Intercession is about giving readers insight which is needed, especially during our prayer time.

  • God is real, and he does exist. I share personal testimonies of how real he has been in my life.
  • Understand the importance of knowing God from an intimate and personal perspective.
  • Discovering whether they have an idea of God as opposed to an acknowledgement of God.
  • The significance of being aware of who the Holy Spirit is and the importance of his role in our prayer life.
  • How imperative it is to know and understand the meaning of Intercession and Intercessors.
  • The importance of being an example of Christ Jesus and following his directions on how we can accomplish this through illustrations.

I share my journey of becoming an intercessor so each reader can compare in order to discover if there are relatable situations in their life that may be identifiable characteristics of being called to be an intercessor.

I was inspired by the Holy Spirit to write this book.

When I wrote the book A Call To Intercession (which I knew nothing about), I could envision the opportunity of reaching and teaching hundreds of thousands
of intercessors in the Body of Christ worldwide about the significance of prayer. Also, the goal is to reveal to each reader the importance of effective prayer and fasting and what they entail.

My goal was to target all ages, male and female, who have questioned their prayer life and their list of unanswered prayers.

Those who are new believers and have no clear direction, knowledge, or understanding of God, the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and how important they are to their
success as an upright Christian.

My heart’s desire is that each reader will become aware of the importance of intimacy with God, which can impact answered prayers.

Insight into how God’s Word effectuates the courage and strength needed to live in the world today. Guide and direct them in obtaining answers to their
prayers while explaining reasons why we may not get a particular answer to a prayer request. Most of all, enlighten them about Jesus, who walked the earth and was the greatest intercessor of all times.

What are your future goals/plans for the book?

My future goal for A Call To Intercession is to have the opportunity to have a book distributed to the masses in hopes of putting a hunger and thirst in each person to go before God in prayer to seek his face and hear his voice to see if they are purposed to become an intercessor, prayer warrior, or watchman on the wall.

I see opportunities in the future where God will open doors for me to continue the purpose of the book being written and published and having the privilege to host prayer workshops, seminars, and prayer gatherings in the inner city, state-wide, and worldwide, helping others understand the significance of praying in these times, learning and growing together, sharing testimonies, preparing us for our coming together as one, and praying effective prayers on behalf of the

I am semi-retired from Corporate America and now dedicated to my next phase of life on earth.

Which is being available to do what means the most to me, which is helping God’s people fill their divine purpose and their calling, especially those who are to become intercessors, prayer warriors, and watchmen on the wall. I am a wife of 40 plus years, a mother of two, and a grandmother of one. Another passion I have is helping single females and single female parents who are homeless, unemployed, underemployed, or in need of assistance that our organization can provide.

For those in need of prayer or assistance. If there is someone searching for assistance in these areas, they are welcome to visit www.heartmattersministry.org. Leave their contact information, and someone will be in touch with them, or they may email us at [email protected]. We are here to serve in whatever way possible.

If you want to grab some copy of my Book please visit my Amazon.


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