There is something very profound for a person to witness God’s love. It could be in the form of a miracle, a person who suddenly heals from a chronic illness or life-threatening disease. It could be as simple as a child doing an act of kindness by helping an old lady cross the street. Author Judith Martin Alford beautifully crafted her book The Hands of God, magnifying God’s love through the miracles in man’s everyday life. Her book is a collection of short stories showing how God intervenes in somewhat impossible situations, still does today as it was in the Biblical times, and tells of faith and sharing that love as the key to deepening the relationship with Him.
God’s Love
John 3:16 sums it all up: “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” The ultimate proof of God’s love is when His son, Jesus Christ, died on the cross for the sins of mankind. Is there any father willing to have their son go through pain and agony, all the more for the sake of others? That is how deep and profound God’s love is. The sacrifice of His son is the epitome of God’s love for mankind so that that man will be saved from his own sin through Christ’s eventual resurrection.
This shows that God’s love for man is unfathomable and incomprehensible, which means that no one can read through the mind of God. It is a divine love from an omnipotent and infinite being who alone knows the past, present, and future. It is a love from a divine being who is the only one who knows what is best for his creation, that everything works out for the good of his beloved creation.
God’s love is also unconditional. God doesn’t and will never stop loving his creation, whatever the situation or condition. He may not be happy if man turns his back and does something unpleasant to him, but that doesn’t stop God from continuing to love that person. God is patient. He never expects perfection from mankind, although he expects man to do good, better, or strive for near perfection. His unconditional love is enough for a person to be given hope, to feel whole and complete, even at the darkest time of a person’s life.
Reflection of God’s Love
In the olden times, God’s love appeared miraculous in almost every aspect, as recorded in the Bible. There’s the story of Exodus, God’s redemptive love for the Hebrews to be free from slavery from the Egyptians. There’s the story of David’s miraculous victory against the gigantic Goliath, a sign of God’s love for the young shepherd boy. Even in today’s modern times, people witness God’s love through the work of hands by medical experts developing cures or protection for even the most dreaded diseases or illnesses. God’s love is even seen in the simplest way, such as visiting and talking with a lonely relative.
The ultimate reflection of God’s love is the shared kind of love, just like when he shared his own son’s death for mankind’s salvation. God’s love is shown when people start practicing compassion and generosity. Through those works of charity that cater to the hungry, the homeless, and the needy, people see proof of God’s love. The simple acts of kindness, praying for others, and even forgiveness show God’s love for man.
God’s love is all-encompassing. It is the kind of love that is for everyone and anyone. No one is excluded. Not even a person’s enemy. That’s how unconditional God’s love is for mankind.
Read all about God’s miracles, the proof of his love through the short stories shared in Judith Martin Alford’s The Hands of God. Grab a copy of the book now on Amazon, or visit the author’s website.