Warriors with Broken Pieces by Helaina Brunel

by | Feb 17, 2022 | Author | 0 comments

Warriors With Broken Pieces is a collection of 21 poems, originally intended to be a stand alone release with no real plan of any future ventures, having come about from a writing challenge to produce 21 poems in 21 days, resulting in a book made up of said poems. Having only just begun in exploring my new found passion for writing, the challenge seemed the perfect exercise as a new writer to help form a regular writing habit. I began writing in June 2021 after writing my first poem for a friend (being somewhat of a poet themselves) who had a family member recently die. Encouraged by their overwhelming response, I began my poetic writing journey…

The inspiration for this collection of poetries is both complex and beautiful. I myself am a survivor of childhood trauma, as a result have battled with Complex PTSD (CPTSD) for most of my adult life going for sometimes months at a time with my mind in crisis. One of things I struggle most with are invasive thoughts and overwhelming emotions connected to these thoughts. At times like these there is a never ending stream of conversation going through my head. I spent most of 2021 in crisis triggered by an upcoming hysterectomy. Many of these poems serve as an expression to the thoughts and feelings I myself was struggling with, and also the observations of those I witnessed fighting their own battles at this time. My target audience would be anyone who has felt alone in the understanding of the wars that they fight in their own minds and the behaviours displayed as a result of the traumas endured. This book stands in recognition off all survivors and mind warriors and to the strengths they hold inside… I have been writing a few months now and after the amazing support I have received for my poetry on my Instagram account, the daily writing habit continues. Now instead of a one off exercise, this book serves as an introduction to my writing, with more planned for the future. I am currently in the process of writing my biography (due out later this year!) So this is a really exciting time for me as new author. My next plan for a poetry release… I’m wanting to write a version of my biography…in complete poetic verse. I’m hoping to begin working on that in the next few months.

Check out my Instagram if you are interested in seeing some more of my poetry, and to keep updated on future releases https://www.instagram.com/HelainaBrunel/

Warriors With Broken Pieces is available in paperback on amazon now!

Website Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09S64XWPC/ref=cm_sw_r_awdo_navT_g_HRV901ZG88N4DWD3TPB6


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