Top 5 books About the Effects of War in People

by | Mar 28, 2022 | Book List, history, war | 0 comments

To wage war on his fellow man is among the most horrible and unspeakable acts the human race has done. Countless of lives have been lost to such endeavors. Most of the time, these lost lives don’t even belong to the old men whose ambitions are the impetus for such bloodshed. It is the lives of the younger generation. A generation whose potential will remain untapped for most of them are now laid down six feet under. As for those lucky ones who have survived, some have lived a normal life, and some have lifelong traumas that will forever haunt their lives. Still, some are brave enough to share their experiences with us in the hopes that such atrocities will never again happen in the future for the benefit of all. These books may vary from a simple book about the the family’s ranch life to harrowing direct accounts from Prisoners of War.

 These are some of those books.

In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam by Robert S. McNamara, Brian Van De Mark

Written by the U.S. Secretary of Defense during the era, Robert S. McNamara, In Retrospect: The Tragedy and Lessons of Vietnam is an essential memoir of the Vietnam War. It is an in-depth book and personal account on how and why the United States entered the so-called McNamara’s War. The book also offers enlightening answers to unanswered questions about this blemish on a great nation’s legacy. It is one of those memoirs that must be read if you seek to understand the conflict and the effects it has on the wider nation in the years since then.

The Real Tenko: Extraordinary True Stories of Women Prisoners of the Japanese by Mark Felton

Most books written about the history of the Second World War are usually about the Western Front. A few are written on the Pacific front. Fewer even are written from the point of view of the women. The Real Tenko: Extraordinary True Stories of Women Prisoners of the Japanese is about the two latter sentences. It tells of the horrendous stories the survivors suffered through the Japanese Axis powers during World War II. Showcasing the words of the people who lived through this period, this book is a challenging read.  

Two Souls Indivisible: The Friendship That Saved Two POWs in Vietnam by James S. Hirsch

If there is despair, then there will always be hope. One cannot exist without the other. Such as what this book illustrates. Two Souls Indivisible by James S. Hirsch is such a story. The book details the true-to-life story of two American Prisoners of War of different backgrounds. On the one hand, we have Fred Cherry, a leading air force pilot, and the highest-ranking officer captured by the Vietnamese during the war. On the other is Porter Halyburton, a navy but a southern racist. Both man thrown together in one cell, in their captor’s hopes of destroying each other. What follows is an inspiring friendship that overcame all odds and survived a harrowing experience.

The Shadow of Sawtooth Ridge by Bernie McAuley

A bit different from most of the entries in this list. The Shadow of Sawtooth Ridge is less focused on the direct effects of war but more on the lingering trauma a Prisoner of War returning home might face. The author writes this book with the hopes of the ordinary citizen treating the veterans of the Vietnam war and all veterans, in general, less as mental cases and more as victims that need understanding and sympathy. 

 You can take a copy of this book home today at!

The Odyssey by Homer

Despite its reputation and age, the Odyssey is without a doubt a book on the effects of war on people. Mainly about the legendary Trojan war. It details the journey of Odysseus to his home of Ithaca, where his family is waiting for him. The book tackles that theme of longing for home and the hope of your loved ones coming home, a feeling that those left behind just know quickly. It is an epic poem that spans years and is just as popular today as well as when it was released in Homer’s era.


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