What is my book about?
A child is dragged kicking and screaming into the wilderness. Livestock is brutally butchered. Pets vanish without a trace. Something is terrorizing Parkland. That “something” is a pack of wolves, residents believe. The most persecuted and misunderstood animals in history, wolves had not lived in this area of Missouri for more than a century. But just a few weeks before Christmas, they are back.
Only Richard, Bonnie, and Thomas believe the wolves are not to blame. They join forces to speak out for the animals that cannot speak for themselves and find out the truth behind the reign of terror. In a unique twist, wolves are the main characters in several of the chapters, as they hunt, court, explore their new surroundings, and care for one another.
Ultimately, the man who champions the wolves is, in turn, saved by the pack that adopts him as one of its own. This fast-paced eco-thriller is seasoned with mystery, romance, and humor, as well as a sprinkle of Native American mysticism and the supernatural. Reviewers have said that They’re Back! reminds them of the works of Dean Koontz.
What inspired me to write the book?
I’ve always loved animals, especially canines. But I had an up-close-and-personal encounter with wolves years ago and that inspired me to read more than a dozen non-fiction books about them. From that research, I learned what intelligent and remarkable animals wolves are. But I also was distressed to discover that they are the most misunderstand and persecuted animals in history, starting with European fairy tales and extending right up to the 19th and 20th century, when hunters employed by the U.S. government attempted to exterminate them with guns, traps and poison.
With the latter two, they also killed other species, including mountain lions, eagles, and, yes, even humans. In response, I wanted to write something on behalf of wolves to help set the record straight. In fact, I dedicated They’re Back! to them. I am the first to admit that some of the wolf/human interactions and other elements in the plot are improbable, if not impossible. But this is a work of fiction. Meanwhile, wolf biology, habits, and behavior as described in the book, especially among their own kind, accurately reflect their lives as apex predators that rarely threaten humans.
What is my target audience for the book?
My target audience is anyone who loves a good thriller, especially when it is spiced with romance, humor, a hint of magic and mysticism, and a classic good-versus-evil conflict.
What do I hope readers get from my book?
I hope readers will feel they received their money’s worth for an entertaining story. Additionally, they’ll better understand and appreciate wolves for the remarkable animals they are.
What are my plans/goals for the book?
Of course, I’d like to sell as many books as possible and I’m doing all that I can to tell people about it, from book signings to social media and online sites such as Writers’ Lounge. Ever the optimist, I’m hopeful, based on reviews thus far. People who’ve read They’re Back! really do like it.
I’ve finished the first draft of a second novel about wolves.
More about myself
I’m the author of 13 books for children and adults, most of them about nature, the outdoors, and animals.
I also write about wolves and their domestic cousins in Fish, Frogs, and Fireflies: Growing Up with Nature and Pippa’s Journey: Tail-Wagging Tales of Rescue Dogs. My three-book set for children teaches them about nature and encourages them to go outside and explore. I also contributed to the International Best Seller Bright Spots: Motivation and Inspiration to Light Your Path in a Changing World. With my rescue dog Pippa, I live in the Missouri Ozarks, where I frequently encounters foxes and coyotes, but, so far, no wolves.
They’re Back! link at Amazon
Robert U. Montgomery, Author page at Facebook