The Wanderer’s Quest by  Veronique Racine

by | Jul 26, 2023 | Author | 0 comments

The Wanderer’s Quest: Author’s Journey 

I want to thank the Author’s Lounge for this chance to talk about me and the book I just launched. 

Hello, my name is Véronique Racine, I am not a new author, I have been writing since, well, since I learned to write, basically. 

At 18, I realized that I loved writing, putting into words what I imagined in my head, and then came the process of actually learning to write properly, getting those ideas out on paper – because for the longest time, until just before the pandemic, I did not own a single computer and wrote everything, beginning to end, on paper. 

I wrote every day, or almost, a variety of different stories but mainly science fiction which is my favorite genre. 


Because science-fiction can encompass all genres, there is no limit to the possibilities it offers, and is a perfect medium to expand your mind and delve deep into your own thoughts to give the readers an insight into your imagination. 

It seemed every time I wrote, I got better at it, but the process was long. I wouldn’t change it for the world, I needed to get better, to know how to put into words what was running in my head. 

Most of my novels involve one form of another of dystopia, because I like to imagine how things might go wrong. It seems in the world today, we take without giving enough back. I am a farmer, a small-scale organic farmer devoted to self-suffiency, so I try to do my part to make the world a better place… but sometimes it seems like a lost battle. So I write about the lost battles I see in my head. 

The Wanderer’s Quest is set in the same type of mindframe. 

When covid19 started it seemed for a time, the world was coming to an end, or at the very least a grinding halt. 

Watching those news report and seeing the panic, I wondered… What if this really was the end? 

And thus this novel was born. 

Part of it , the main character’s progression, is about losing faith, and living life with no guidance and no hope of anything, except death in the end. 

Of being broken by life’s misfortunes, haunted by the past, and lost in turmoil of hate and fear. 

How to get out of it? 

How to rediscover the path to living, rather than surviving? 

I hope I have rendered their struggles believable, wrapped up in a post-apocalyptic world where Nature seems to lash out at you ( much as it is doing now). 

A world without pity or remorse, a world that will swallow you whole unless you fight tooth and nails for your life and sanity. 

This is the first book I decided to try to publish – I have written many more. I don’t expect it to be the last, although the task of marketing and promoting does seem a bit insurmountable at times. I liek to write, I don’t like to sell, but one doesn’t go without the other. 

My only hope is that when some people read what I write it might make them feel something, and think about their actions, think about their place in the world, and what they could do to make it better – one step at a time.

I am already hard at work writing other novels, and I wouldn’t be surprised if I put to page the sequel to this book, as the idea is already more than half-formed in my mind. If you like dystopian science fiction and fast paced adventures laced with psychological dilemmas, think of giving this book a try. 

Thank you all for your time.


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