In the Holy Book of Romans 12:1-2 it is written, “I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service. And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of you mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” I believe the mind can be either good or evil.
The Mind is the conscience of our soul, and the mind and soul are in one accord in the same likeness as our fleshly body and brain are in one accord. A man cannot function correctly without the eternal mind or conscience and the man cannot function correctly without the fleshly brain. The Mind and Soul are a replica of our Fleshly Body and brain. I believe the Mind and Soul is the complete eternal intent of a man. I believe that the mind will only store those things which are eternal and has no other fleshly intent.
I believe if a man’s soul and mind is void of God’s Will and is evil, it will be destroyed when it goes back to the Creator. I also believe if the mind is full and not void of the Creator, then the Creator knows that man and receives him back for his Glory. It is somewhat like this: If you plant a grapevine and only a few branches of the vine produced grapes and some branches where dead, what would you do?
First, you would cut away the dead branches and cast them into a fire. If a certain branch would produce only one grape, what would you do? I would probably take it away from the rest of the vine and take care of it like pruning it, so that it would produce much more fruit. I also believe the mind is the gateway or door to our spirit man.
God’s will is something all men should have in their minds.
Do you think the soul lives in the heart or the mind?