The Silent Witness by Kim Appelgryn

by | May 22, 2023 | Author | 2 comments

Thank you for allowing me to introduce you to my debut fantasy novel, The Silent Witness.

‘Sërafinn, the goddess of the moon, sat upon her silvery throne, watching silently at all the happenings in the world below.  She witnessed four great kingdoms grow from obscurity to greatness, and believed mankind had great potential, but the  trivialities of these kingdoms made it impossible for them to see what the goddess saw in them.  

In the twilight of a dying day, while pondering on mankind’s nature, her thoughts were disturbed by something she hardly  took notice of before. Finally, taking strength, she decided she would endeavour to make a difference in the lives of  mankind.  

She came to realise she could no longer be silent.’  


The ideas for this novel first transpired when I fell in love with History and Mythology. During my school years, I spent many  weeks in the library learning about great mythical heroes (back in the early 1990s, since the internet was not readily  available for research). What stood out more for me was the great Trojan War (whether real or myth). The Trojan War still  holds sway over the human imagination today.  

When I first saw the 2004 movie Troy, I looked out that night and saw it was a full moon. Thoughts came to mind. “If the  moon could speak, she would say, ‘I saw the fall of Troy’.”  

More ideas came. “What if… she was a person and not an entity? What if… she could help man reach their full potential?  What if… she became too fond of humans and lost her way?” And so, the idea of The Silent Witness slowly but surely came  to be the novel you know today.  

It had become an extraordinary journey. There were only a handful of characters in the beginning, but as I progressed and  the story widened, it ‘unlocked’ ideas and settings for new characters and the roles they play in specific scenes.  The constellation known as The Pleiades also played a great part. Known to the ancient Greeks as the ‘Seven Daughters of  Atlas’ – the titan whom Zeus cursed to forever hold the world on his shoulders – are seven clusters of stars, although today  the seventh star can no longer be seen with the naked eye.  

According to the Greek myths, her name was Electra, and she had a child with Zeus named Dardanus. He later became the  founder of Troy, and because she was a divine being, she knew her son’s beloved city would one day fall during the night.  She begged Zeus for her not to shine that night, and he granted her wish. When Troy fell to the Greeks, the devastation was  so great that the remaining six sisters “lost their shine” and today, they can hardly be seen (unless you know where to look).  The constellation is next to Taurus.  

As much as I tried to create something new and fresh, it cannot be helped that particular scenes in the novel reminiscent  certain historical/mythical events. One cannot read of the Evertheenian Warrior blocking the entrance of the arena with his  sword drawn and not think of the Biblical account of the angel whose sword was drawn, preventing Balaam and his donkey  (who was the only creature to see the angel) from placing a curse on the wandering Israelites. The beauty of Queen Shafis  reflects two women of antiquity who were famed for being the most beautiful amongst their contemporaries; namely Helen of  Sparta (later as Helen of Troy) and Queen Cleopatra of Egypt.  


The Silent Witness has a wide variety of readers, from 16+ upwards. It’s a story for all ages and I’m truly blessed at the  amount of DMs I receive; either via Twitter or Facebook, of how much this story has touched so many of my readers,  regardless of their age and background.  


The Silent Witness takes place during the Second Age of Man, with references to the First Age

throughout the chapters. A  prequel is currently in the works, and the readers will (soon) be introduced to the First Age, and why they were wiped out by  the gods and goddesses. Apart from the prequel, three short stories and a companion novel to the world of Barathorn and Evertheen is also in the  works, exploring the vast lore to this epic fantasy. 


Born and raised in South Africa, Kim Appelgryn is a freelance writer, a lifelong creator, and a confessed maverick. From a  very young age, Kim’s world has been defined by a vivid imagination, astute vision, and a relentless quest for authenticity  and meaning: a world unconstrained by conformity, convention, or limitation, despite numerous personal challenges that she  has faced over the years.  

Kim’s interest in writing and the arts date back to her childhood days in her hometown of Germiston, where she had enjoyed  composing numerous successful plays for her school’s drama department and her local church. With a fiercely independent  mindset, an appetite for exploration, and a keen interest in all things historical and mythological, the desire to create  continues to play a pivotal role in her life and career.  

The Silent Witness is Kim’s first published endeavour as a fictional author, representing the realisation of a lifetime of artistic  pursuit and aspiration. It is also somewhat fitting that Kim’s opening act has allowed her to break the silence and make her  voice heard as a writer. For this storyteller, there is no such thing as an impossibility in life; and her own story illustrates that  for absolutely anything the imagination can conceive, hard work, self-belief, and determination can certainly achieve.  


  1. Timidon Nodimit

    Go, Kim! I have read the book and enjoyed the story. It has many fantasy elements, betrayal, and a few characters whose greed got them into the pot of boiling water.

  2. Lester P. Gibson

    Rich in realistic and believable characters, settings ans scenarios that will leave you wanting more. A good and solid read, Well researched and written. Highly recommended! Can’t wait for the prequel!


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