What is your book all about?
“The Shelter” is about Adam Peterson, a recovering alcoholic. He wakes up in an underground shelter with 19 other strangers. He has no memory of his recent past or of how he got there. While navigating his new surroundings, he encounters Evelyn. He is instantly drawn to her. Together they try to solve the mystery of The Shelter. Another woman haunts Adam. He has no memory of her, other than what she looks like and her name, Hannah. The Shelter takes the reader on a journey into solving the mystery and into Adam’s troubled past.
What inspired you to write the book?
For the last 22 years, I have volunteered for a Teen Leadership program in my community. I have facilitated many activities over the years as I have taught over 300 young adults leadership skills and attributes. One of those activities was “The Bomb Shelter.” The activity made the young participants choose 7 fictional people to stay in a bomb shelter during an apocalypse out of 13 with only a limited description. This activity was my inspiration for my debut novel. Although “The Shelter” starts out mirroring the activity, the story diverts from this premise and takes the reader through multiple twists and turns.
I started writing my book eight years ago. Not until the pandemic, did I have the motivation to finish it. Being home with nowhere to go, gave me the opportunity to finish it. Now I love writing and I am halfway through my second novel. I also have plans to finish “The Shelter” Trilogy this Fall and Winter.
What is your target audience for the book?
Readers who enjoy a good psychological thriller with multiple twists and turns would be my target audience. My book is a very easy read with short action-packed chapters. Those who enjoy suspense with a love triangle mixed in will enjoy this book.
What do you hope readers could get out from your book?
One of the overarching themes of “The Shelter” is how our emotions dictate our perception of the world. Even when your memory is compromised, emotions will always breakthrough. I hope readers take away from my book that our past constantly haunts us and unless you face it head-on, it will control you. People are resilient. Trauma can either break you or inspire strength, it all depends on the situation put before you.
What are your future goals/plans for the book?
Right now, other than being in the Author’s Lounge, I am trying to market the book as much as possible with a limited budget. So far, I have received great reviews. I would like to get my book out there to a larger audience. Although I’m not trying to become famous or rich as an author, it would be nice to have my book shared with as many people as possible. This book is a jumping-off point for me. I hope I grow as a writer and learn from my mistakes. I never thought of myself as a writer, but this book helped me become one. I will be starting to write “The Shelter: Book Two” in the Fall.
My book, The Shelter, is available on Amazon in paperback, Kindle, and Kindle Unlimited.
And something more about yourself.
I grew up in Central New York and still live there today. I have two adult children and a five-year-old son who is about to enter Kindergarten. I am happily married. I have a Psychology degree and have worked in the human services industry for over 25 years. Currently, I am a Senior Director at a non-profit human service agency that serves children and their families. In my spare time, I love to golf, play guitar, dabble in photography, and play video games. Of course, I am an avid reader. My favorite authors are Stephen King, Harlen Coben, Dean Koontz, Karin Slaughter, Caroline Kepnes, and David Baldacci. I am very politically active and stay on top of current events. I always felt that books were a great way to escape our crazy lives, I hope I can contribute through my writing to someone’s joy. You can visit my webpage to stay up to date on The Shelter Trilogy, my current work in progress, “In the Midst of Wolves,” and my short stories. https://www.kevinslimmerauthor.com/