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Authors write from the lens through which they see the world. They may craft fictional realms with equally fictitious characters. However, how they allow their stories to unfold will, one way or another, reflect the opinions and beliefs they uphold.
For some time, literature was a means to express distaste about something or publicize propaganda. Bar its entertainment purposes, writing was solely for expressing one’s thoughts and opinions. It existed for a reason, and that is to categorize people based on what they support and believe in.
Literature was meant to express an inclination about something, but it shouldn’t be so blatant about prejudice. Authors write without biases not only to cater to a bigger audience but also to avoid tainting fairness. This should be the basis of every piece of literature.
When Literature Is Expression, How Can It Be Neutral?
Firstly, what does it mean when authors write without biases?
People talk about the importance of staying neutral in literature but have yet to clearly define what it would mean to be one. When discussing biases, does this automatically imply the absence of personal opinions? After all, by definition, bias is a form of expressing agreement or disagreement about a particular matter. So, would it mean that authors shouldn’t be allowed to express their opinions for literature to be neutral?
The answer is no.
It would be impossible for authors not to weave their take on what they’re writing. To separate their craft from what they think would be impossible. Instead, authors write without biases by avoiding unfair judgment. This is what it means for literature to be neutral. It’s not the absence of opinion but the presence of one with equal consideration to both sides of an argument.
Literature must be inclusive and rational. Despite one clear winning side, every argument should be discussed and opened for readers’ awareness and knowledge. This is literary objectivity.
Weighing Their Emotions, How Authors Write Without Biases
The challenge for authors to write without biases is most evident in political commentaries. Any matters that would gather polarizing opinions are most susceptible to biases, especially in literature. However, emotions and opinions aside, authors may remain neutral when discussing politics.
Robert Ross Williams shows readers how. In his book Rainbow Farm 2.0: Impeachment and Virus, the author writes a literary reenactment of the coronavirus that struck the world. It depicts the mayhem that had been through the usage of a farm and the animals in it. The book follows a farm as it navigates around a virus so brutal it shakes the place to its core. On top of this, they’re also simultaneously struggling with an impeachment of a farm leader.
While the ordeal may seem fictional, many can deduce its connection to actual events from its central plot alone. Like Robert, authors write without biases to also share their perspective of what happened during an event.
Published in 2021, at the height of the pandemic, the author perfectly captures the government’s state then. Through his fictional world, Robert narrates what happened then while staying clear from his personal opinions. It’s a straightforward account of what transpired, a documentation of a consequential event.
The Benefit of Neutrality
Why is it important for authors to write without biases?
This would lessen possible criticism of the author. Readers don’t want material that seems to force them to a certain side. Instead, they would prefer materials that show them two sides of an argument and let them decide. Literature shouldn’t feel like it’s spoon-feeding people’s beliefs. It should be constructed such that it only presents opinions for readers to choose from.
Neutrality also means it’s simply dictating to future generations what happened during a specific period. Without mixing in emotions or opinions, readers would only be aware of how things transpired.
For instance, Robert’s book only gives readers a glimpse of how the government reacted during the pandemic. Faced with a predicament posing the most destruction the world had experienced, one can only imagine how lost they must’ve been. This is what Robert managed to capture in his book.
Authors write without biases not only to avoid harsh and subjective criticism but also to stay firm on the truth and not spread misinformation.