The Life Machine by Dave Pitt

by | Jul 19, 2023 | Author | 0 comments

My name is Dave Pitt and I currently live just outside Leeds in the UK. I am the author of a trilogy collectively known as Alex and the Angel, which comprises of The Life Machine, The Snakes Tale and the final part The Red Frame.

The story is a fast paced re with supernatural elements involving an Angel and a Demon, a police inspector and a serial killer, a suicidal man and a teenage boy on the rampage. It is set in modern day Edinburgh and this tale is quite unlike any other books out there. It touches on all aspects of the human condition, philosophical and religious, where every character has their own distinct perspective.

These characters are fully explored so the reader will understand them clearly, and therefore find themselves disliking or sympathizing as they please, because I believe the old ideals and descriptions of what constitutes good and evil are so last century and unimaginative.

I was inspired to write this book during the pandemic as a way to focus my time.

Although the initial story of a suicidal man failing in his attempt but meeting an Angel was first written some twenty years ago, and initially The Life Machine was to be a standalone story, and it can still be read as such, but the ideas kept flowing so I followed to where it steered.

My target audience is adult, certainly over the age of sixteen due to occasional violence and drug references, but when checking my sales audience it does appear a lot of older women have really enjoyed it, and I love that.

I am confident that all my readers will find themselves enthralled by the originality of characters and storyline; I don’t roll out clichés or tropes and the short sharp chapters will keep people wanting, needing, to find out what happens next, as the separate stories of each character slowly entwine to reach a satisfying and shocking conclusion.

I have been a writer my whole life but this is my first full length fiction. In my twenties and thirties I was a performance poet, mostly comedic and philosophical poems, and touring all over the UK.

I had my own full length shows in London and Edinburgh theatres which received positive reviews, while also appearing in bars and comedy clubs, or sometimes happily just busking on the streets.

Later in life I developed a keen interest in writing stage plays and I have written six to date. They are a mixture of comedies, thrillers and dramatic pieces and have all been performed and produced in Yorkshire to local acclaim.

As I said earlier I wrote my first novel during the global lockdown as a way to keep myself sane.

The story grew and grew in a natural evolution over those long months, almost as if it already existed in the ether and I was just discovering it, like a sculptor who says the sculpture is already in the rock, they just chip away to make it clear and present.

The pleasure it gave me on completing The Life Machine and the incredible reviews which followed, that can all be seen on Amazon, Goodreads, and also my website page davepittauthor, led me to quit my job as a lorry driver and pursue this career. It isn’t an easy path and I have been slogging away at promoting my books for almost a year now, but I regret nothing because I know my work is of a high quality, unique in their style and presentation, and they will find their audience eventually.

There is an old adage that states ‘If you can’t find the book you love…write it.’ So I took this advice literally when setting out on this trilogy.

My characters are relatable and believable, whether they are police inspectors in their fifties, teenagers on the run, a serial killer locked away with an evil voice in his head, or even a confused Angel who is much more than it first appears. I gave this story everything I had because I wanted it to be a great adventure, a page turner that forces you to want to read what happens next, but also one you don’t want to end. That’s what I set out to do and by the looks of my feedback and reviews it is what I achieved.

At the moment my work in progress is a fourth instalment to this story, a twist on the original trilogy, a sliding doors moment if you will, with a different path being taken by some of the original characters and plenty of new ones.

If you want to grab some copy of my book please visit my Amazon’s Author Page.


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