My debut Regency Romance is set in Europe during 1813. The Marquis of Bryde is a jaded gentleman of the English peerage.
Setting the fashions with his friend beau Brummell, he is the ultimate style icon of the London season. He stumbles into the wake of a murderous plot, and with little more than diversion from his boredom on his mind, he decides to take part in the rescue of a damsel in distress.
Reyeh Léopard is a Viennese heiress newly orphaned and in the charge of her estranged English relatives until her majority is reached on her 21st birthday. As her family are in reduced circumstances and live well below her accustomed standards, Reyeh wants to leave their protection, (which she has long since not needed) and return to Vienna, her home.
With eyes only on her fortune and the benefits it will engender to her social status, Reyeh’s Aunt plots against her departure or in fact a long term future of any kind. Follow along in the Heyer-inspired story of how Atticus Walford (The Marquis of Bryde) and Reyeh Léopard counter the treacherous plots and wicked lies all around them.
I have been a story teller since childhood with a vivid imagination. My internal world is rich and entertaining.
When introduced by my mother, to the world of Georgette Heyer in my teenage years, that world broadened significantly to the wonderful regency era. It was 20 years ago that I began this story in my free time. Since then I worked on it spasmodically only when inspired. But after retiring from the secular rat race I found the manuscript still lurking in my database and resolved to finally finish it. In some ways I felt the characters finished it off themselves.
My target audience is any Georgette Heyer fan or Austenite for that matter, who appreciates clean wholesome romance.
Heyer has been extremely influential to my writing style. I know that the modern reader will find it possibly overly descriptive. But my goal in writing this novel is to keep the Heyer-style alive, since the great lady no longer can.
I hope my readers will feel the Regency vibes, the Heyeresque characters and the suspense of the rescue.
The only way I have strayed from the Heyer model is in providing the reader a satisfactory epilogue to the Happily Ever After. I always felt Georgette Heyer brought her stories to dramatically romantic ends far too quickly. For better or worse the reader was always left wanting more.
This July 2023 I have started a campaign to boost exposure for this story by setting up a street team to promote and rave about The Connoisseur all month.
Everyone who has read it so far has enjoyed the adventure, even those not familiar with the Regency world. I would love every Austen fan and every Heyer fan to find their way to getting a copy. I know in the world of romance readers that means a lot of ladies and discerning gents. I never knew till recently that Stephen Fry himself is a Heyer fan. What a feather in my cap it would be to know he had read it. Hehe. One lives to dream.
As for Faberge Eastern (my pen name) she is by no means done.
Writing is so agreeable, I find I am determined to continue. My second book is underway. First 4 chapters are already done. This new story is inspired by the true and somewhat humorous story of 2 famous poets (Wordsworth and Coleridge) being mistaken for French spies. I do hope to delight my readers with a worldlier, wiser, more talented heroine next time around.
Please visit my Amazon Authors Page.