Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash
The world is so beautiful that it creates a natural and almost instinctive sense of happiness. But without simply collating it with beauty rather than people’s satisfaction, can this merit that love is everywhere?
Love makes the world go round.
Who wouldn’t recognize this lyric? It’s among the most timeless and sentimentally written sentiments that have resonated across different generations. It concisely captures the significance of love and how it’s in everything humanity touches and sees. But how much of this sentiment is true?
How well can people defend the belief that love is everywhere?
Is Love Actually Never-Ending, or Is It an Illusion?
As February, the month of love, is fast approaching, it’s only timely that articles and discussions about it regain their light. People are bound to feel a heightened sense of this emotion, seeing most of it on social media and even with the people around them. This display encourages people to reconsider and re-evaluate their beliefs about this concept.
Is love truly everywhere, or are they only tricked into thinking so?
As social as they are, people yearn for connection. It’s a primary desire of theirs to belong and find a specific person to connect with genuinely in the long run. But might this longing influence their perception of the world, making it appear like love is everywhere when it isn’t?
In The Color of Love by Raymond Quattlebaum, the author denotes love as a powerful emotion that fills the world. Alongside most people, he believes that love is everywhere. It’s within every living creature and is the byproduct or the fount of every matter. Love is within everyone who yearns for it, an emotion found in those who reflect and express it in the art they allow others to consume. When love is within everyone, they leave remnants in what they do and touch.
Hence, this supports the presumption that love is everywhere.
Love has no physical manifestation save for behavioral instances of how it’s expressed. It’s more so a subjective experience dependent on people’s perceptions. Unlike how sciences can be proven by theories that explain the world’s movement, love is a perception.
Yet, with how the world is doing now, what does this make of it?
If Love Is Everywhere, Why Is There Pain in the World?
If people dare claim that love is everywhere, why is society pervaded with adverse events? When people yearn for it, they can see it in everything. But why do some act in contrast to what they desire?
But the thing is, while people yearn for it, only some are fortunate enough to experience it. This absence is what cultivates and plants the contradiction. Hurt people hurt people, which can be reflected in their choices. While love can be found everywhere if people learn to look deeper, those who can’t receive it bring others down. Those who have felt even an ounce of pain and suffering think it’s unfair when they see others happy while they suffer.
This is where the cycle begins and influences human behavior.
This is where all the negativity can be primarily attributed. There’s no telling if these individuals will stop once they experience it for themselves. But it can be partly safe to assume the pain they’ve experienced caused them to bring it to others, as well.
Love is everywhere. But to those who haven’t felt it or have been disappointed by it, this can trigger unprocessed emotions that may manifest as aggression. Hurt people hurt people, and this hurt is captured in all the negativities society is experiencing today.
Will Love Solve Everything?
The possibility of hurt people hurting others might’ve already been considered. But does this mean it is the solution to every societal problem the world is experiencing?
This can be answered by both yes and no.
Yes, because empathy and peace are undoubtedly the solution to all the chaos in the world. They’re the opposite force that may be able to defeat these evils. But for this to happen, it all still boils down to people’s willingness to be kind and loving. Those who have been deeply hurt may find it challenging to change their perspective and learn not to deflect their pain in society. While it can be found everywhere, how it’s utilized still relies on people’s willingness to find them.