Love by Gianina Sipitca

by | May 31, 2019 | Featured Article | 2 comments

LOVE   Hinduism teaches us about transcendental sounds vibrations or Vedas.  They say word is manifested by sound, and thus, “a word has innate power to convey a particular sense or meaning”    “the creative power of the manifold universe is a creation of Shabda Brahman. Speech is equated with Brahman The Rig Veda states that Brahman has hymns in praise of Speech as the Creator and as the final abode of Brahman.

Time is the creative power of Shabda Brahman.”   A unit of speech is called Vac and it is part of ‘cosmic sound or word’ which is endowed with names and forms and is projected in Vedic revelations (the mantras, hymns, prayers etc.).  ‘the Ultimate Reality’ is transcendent and devoid of names and forms. One has to become well established in cosmic sound and word,  before realizing the ultimate reality.  Vedas are not the product of conventional language but the emanation of reality in form of sound, word which is the sole cause of creation and is eternal.   

Spiritual growth aims at attaining the heavenly happiness by realizing cosmic sound by conducting devotions that help control the senses and the mind; when the mind and the senses are subdued the inner subtle sound is realized as cosmic sound.   The fundamental theory of Indian classical music, art and poetry is grounded in the theory of Nada Brahman or Shabda Brahman, and is linked with the Vedic religion.  Whenever and wherever there is causal stress or Divine action, there is vibration and wherever there is vibration or movement there sound is inevitable.  

“M” of Aum, the primordial vac represents a vibration which is the root and essence of everything; Consciousness in all beings is Shabda Brahman. When the necessity of directing the Mantra  internally and to objects externally, is transcended then one gains a Mantra which then awakens  the Divine Consciousness, and unites with it.  

The Mantra is Shabda Brahman and Ishta is the light of Consciousness. The prana, body and mind along with the entire universe, are all expressions of Mantra of Divine Consciousness. At the ultimate level of Shabda Brahman words become wordless, forms become formless and all multiplicity unified in Consciousness residing in that transcendent glory extends beyond mind and speech.  

Aum is the Root Sound of which creation is a series of permutations. According to the Tantric concept, Sound is the first manifestation of Parama Shiva; in its primary stage it is a psychic wave. Its very existence entails the presence of  movement ‘vibration’ without which there cannot be sound; sound vibration is the quality of Saguna brahman and the world is the thought-projection of Saguna Shiva. The very first sutra of Sarada Tilaka explains the significance and hidden meaning of Shabda Brahman-Creator of the Universe.  

Oṃ,  also written as Aum, is the most sacred syllable Symbol & manta of Brahman The Almighty God in Hinduism. Brahman is Supreme Self, Ultimate Reality, Creator of all Existence. The syllable is often chanted either independently or before a mantra; it signifies the essence of the ultimate reality, consciousness or Atman. 

The Om sound is the primordial sound and is called the Shabda-Brahman (Brahman as sound).   Om is one of the most important spiritual sounds. It refers to soul, self within and Brahman – ultimate reality, entirety of the universe, truth, divine, supreme spirit, cosmic principles, knowledge.    

The syllable is often found at the beginning and the end of chapters in the Vedas, the Upanishads, and other Hindu texts.  It is a sacred spiritual incantation made before and during the recitation of spiritual texts, during puja and private prayers, in ceremonies of rites of passages (sanskara) such as weddings, and sometimes during meditative and spiritual activities such as Yoga.  It is also used in other Dharmic religions, such as Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism.  

The syllable Om is referred to as praṇava.[ Other used terms are akṣara (literally, letter of the alphabet, imperishable, immutable) or ekākṣara (one letter of the alphabet) and omkāra (literally, beginning, female divine energy   The syllable is so widespread and linked to knowledge, that it stands for the “whole of Veda”. The etymological foundations of Om are repeatedly discussed in the oldest layers of the Vedantic texts (the early Upanishads).    

The three phonetic components of Om (pronounced AUM) correspond to the three stages of cosmic creation, and when it is read or said, it celebrates the creative powers of the universe.    They offer various shades of meaning to Om, such as it being “the universe beyond the sun”, or that which is “mysterious and inexhaustible”, or “the infinite language, the infinite knowledge”, or “essence of breath, life, everything that exists”, or that “with which one is liberated”. The Sama Veda, the poetical Veda, orthographically maps Om to the audible, the musical truths in its numerous variations (Oum, Aum, Ovā Ovā Ovā Um, etc.) and then attempts to extract musical meters from it.”  

“Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of strong attraction and emotional attachment. Love is also considered to be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection, as “the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one’s self or animals. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.  Love has been postulated to be a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species. “

That was Wikipedia.  I have my own, poetical definition, I think love is a memory or/and projection of a tender moment.   The difference I see between the eastern and western philosophy, seems in my opinion to stem from the fact that we want to exclude the Creator when we speak about science.  I think, science IS the Creator.  Therefore, we seem sometimes dysfunctional, unadjusted, when we explain things.  Such would be the case of the finding below:    

“Scientists have found that people in an involuntary state of intense romantic desire, so-called limerent states have low levels of serotonin—a neurotransmitter in the brain that affects mood—akin to people with obsessive–compulsive disorder.”   Even though I paraphrased, and even though I can acknowledge to truth of what is being said, in a way, I cannot abstain from laughing just a little.  As when the meaning has diminished a little.  As when, we forgot for a fraction of a second that there are other, quite frankly more elevated concepts to consider than ‘serotonin’ or ‘disorder’. 

And yet, in an extremely dry and ironic way, that sentence is painfully true.  It is also, incomplete.  It does not take into account the ‘Cosmic’ factor.  Our entanglement, the one we have with the Creator of the Universe.   I told someone that love, is not selflessness, love for me is the ultimate form of selfishness.  My words were met with silence…and then:   “What do you mean?” “There is not greater satisfaction and pleasure than the one I take from loving.” “But love has never brought you pain? Has it?”  

I think we come into this world, loving the Universe, and the Creator, but the first creature we first acknowledge love toward is mama, then for me came mamaiana (maternal grandmother) and tutzu (my father).  And…a couple of years later:  Linu, my brother.  They did not keep the order over the years.  Linu became first, sometimes interchanging with mamaiana, then tata (I grew from tutzu) and…mama. 

Until, much, much later on, after much shared love, came the intruders Nelu and then Ioobe.    I loved each one of these people full heartedly, in the only way one loves.  When one loves, there is a oneness,  there is an interest, I will call it, in shared moments of tenderness.  About five I was, and my brother one years old, when my mother showed me how he followed me arround.  From then on, he took first place.  He could do no wrong?  Yes he could! 

Once during a fight he bit me so hard, I carried a scar for years to come.  And…I cherished it!  As if my little brother has left a permanent mark on me.  But, generally speaking, if for example there was clamoring and one of the parents would come to him telling to ‘quiet down’ I just had to ask:  ‘How did you know it was him?’   We did not play together much, I liked color red, my brother liked everything blue.  I liked dolls, he liked cars.  And yet, I remember the ‘Cosmic connections’ we had, like when we were afraid that one day we  would be left orphan. Or the ‘fear’ that our visiting paternal grandpa who was not snoring, would die in his sleep.  We started counting his breathing.   

The orphan phase was not as somber as one would think, we simply were rationalizing about which one of us should take the car, and who should get the TV.  We must have been like eight and four.  I was precocious and very happy with the TV…My little brother chose the car and house. With Nelu and Ioobe I also have ‘projected’ or imagined future moments of tenderness, stemming from the initial attraction. 

And still:  Cosmic connections-…of a slightly different kind…you know what I mean!  Or maybe, I shall tell you a little later.   When mamaiana died, I was 20 years old, and I used to find myself reciting, singing and crying songs of sorrow.  I mourned for about a year, but never forgot her.  Remembering her, brings me tears of joy. Then, at 24, BOOM! -the Universe crashed! with one small plane, somewhere above the sky of a military school.  Or so they told me…Linu’s plane…Oh, God!    ‘YES – love has brought me pain!  What pain!  The kind I never wished to have, and never wish to part with’  

I am human, and still have my memories of the tender moments, of our Cosmic love.  I am also a Christian…and I do know, with the power awarded to me by my intellect, by now educated in electrical engineering and finance (I should have chosen the house at least),  that I love The Creator of all things-I call him:  God.   When I remember God, or sometimes Jesus or the Virgin, the Universe has meaning.  Science in my definition, is the means through which the laws of nature are revealed to us by God.   

Every scientific model of anything or everything, was initially inspiration sent to the designer, by the Designer of All Things.  I understand the Big Bang Theory entirely-well, except for the initial nothingness called ‘just energy’-but other than that, I follow everything.  But when, in my absolute conviction I introduce into the equation the notion of Intelligent Design, the theory, as a mediatory means, works. Divine Will, knowledge and power accompanied by the infinite Divine Love…’heavenly happiness’ this is what we all crave for, when…we take the time.

But usually, we are busy, we have chores, we learned to be judgmental, we do not (of course) like-many of the things, and we consider love to literally be a four letter word, of which some of our grandparents did not even dare speak much.  They only dared love their country…and…minded-the affairs of the family.  

The Goauld theory, that one has to cherish one’s envy and hate, that one has to be mean, makes for one miserable human being.  Judging by the shrieks I hear from them on the line sometimes, I do not even understand where they misplaced the human, because I am here to tell them, they remained just the empty beings, and not human, not with such deeds, not any more.    It is LOVE, not envy, of course not hate, which pushed everything and everybody forth.   

‘Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life’ was said by Confucius.  And we all feel, if we take the time, that we know him.  If or when one dedicates oneself to a hobby, one knows what Confucius meant to say.  Are we tired by the jobs we love?  Yes, but we can take such immense satisfaction from it, that we cannot believe there is also money coming with it.  Well, we believe it, believe me, and it better come, the money, but…We are HAPPY.

three phonetic components of Om (pronounced AUM) correspond to the three stages of cosmic creation, and when it is read or said, it celebrates the creative powers of the universe.    They offer various shades of meaning to Om, such as it being “the universe beyond the sun”, or that which is “mysterious and inexhaustible”, or “the infinite language, the infinite knowledge”, or “essence of breath, life, everything that exists”, or that “with which one is liberated”. The Sama Veda, the poetical Veda, orthographically maps Om to the audible, the musical truths in its numerous variations (Oum, Aum, Ovā Ovā Ovā Um, etc.) and then attempts to extract musical meters from it.”

“Most commonly, love refers to a feeling of strong attraction and emotional attachment. Love is also considered to be a virtue representing human kindness, compassion, and affection, as “the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another”. It may also describe compassionate and affectionate actions towards other humans, one’s self or animals. Love in its various forms acts as a major facilitator of interpersonal relationships and, owing to its central psychological importance, is one of the most common themes in the creative arts.  Love has been postulated to be a function to keep human beings together against menaces and to facilitate the continuation of the species.

“That was Wikipedia.  I have my own, poetical definition, I think love is a memory or/and projection of a tender moment.   The difference I see between the eastern and western philosophy, seems in my opinion to stem from the fact that we want to exclude the Creator when we speak about science.  I think, science IS the Creator.  Therefore, we seem sometimes dysfunctional, unadjusted, when we explain things.  Such would be the case of the finding below:    

“Scientists have found that people in an involuntary state of intense romantic desire, so-called limerent states have low levels of serotonin—a neurotransmitter in the brain that affects mood—akin to people with obsessive–compulsive disorder.”   Even though I paraphrased, and even though I can acknowledge to truth of what is being said, in a way, I cannot abstain from laughing just a little.  As when the meaning has diminished a little.  As when, we forgot for a fraction of a second that there are other, quite frankly more elevated concepts to consider than ‘serotonin’ or ‘disorder’. 

And yet, in an extremely dry and ironic way, that sentence is painfully true.  It is also, incomplete.  It does not take into account the ‘Cosmic’ factor.  Our entanglement, the one we have with the Creator of the Universe.   I told someone that love, is not selflessness, love for me is the ultimate form of selfishness.  My words were met with silence…and then:   “What do you mean?” “There is not greater satisfaction and pleasure than the one I take from loving.” “But love has never brought you pain? Has it?”  I think we come into this world, loving the Universe, and the Creator, but the first creature we first acknowledge love toward is mama, then for me came mamaiana (maternal grandmother) and tutzu (my father). 

And…a couple of years later:  Linu, my brother.  They did not keep the order over the years.  Linu became first, sometimes interchanging with mamaiana, then tata (I grew from tutzu) and…mama.  Until, much, much later on, after much shared love, came the intruders Nelu and then Ioobe.    I loved each one of these people full heartedly, in the only way one loves.  When one loves, there is a oneness,  there is an interest, I will call it, in shared moments of tenderness. 

About five I was, and my brother one years old, when my mother showed me how he followed me arround.  From then on, he took first place.  He could do no wrong?  Yes he could!  Once during a fight he bit me so hard, I carried a scar for years to come.  And…I cherished it!  As if my little brother has left a permanent mark on me.  But, generally speaking, if for example there was clamoring and one of the parents would come to him telling to ‘quiet down’ I just had to ask:  ‘How did you know it was him?’   We did not play together much, I liked color red, my brother liked everything blue.  I liked dolls, he liked cars.  And yet, I remember the ‘Cosmic connections’ we had, like when we were afraid that one day we  would be left orphan. 

Or the ‘fear’ that our visiting paternal grandpa who was not snoring, would die in his sleep.  We started counting his breathing.    The orphan phase was not as somber as one would think, we simply were rationalizing about which one of us should take the car, and who should get the TV.  We must have been like eight and four.  I was precocious and very happy with the TV…My little brother chose the car and house.   With Nelu and Ioobe I also have ‘projected’ or imagined future moments of tenderness, stemming from the initial attraction.  And still:  Cosmic connections-…of a slightly different kind…you know what I mean!  Or maybe, I shall tell you a little later.   When mamaiana died, I was 20 years old, and I used to find myself reciting, singing and crying songs of sorrow. I mourned for about a year, but never forgot her.  Remembering her, brings me tears of joy.   

Then, at 24, BOOM! -the Universe crashed! with one small plane, somewhere above the sky of a military school.  Or so they told me…Linu’s plane…Oh, God!    ‘YES – love has brought me pain!  What pain!  The kind I never wished to have, and never wish to part with’   I am human, and still have my memories of the tender moments, of our Cosmic love.  I am also a Christian…and I do know, with the power awarded to me by my intellect, by now educated in electrical engineering and finance (I should have chosen the house at least),  that I love The Creator of all things-I call him:  God.   When I remember God, or sometimes Jesus or the Virgin, the Universe has meaning.  Science in my definition, is the means through which the laws of nature are revealed to us by God.   

Every scientific model of anything or everything, was initially inspiration sent to the designer, by the Designer of All Things.  I understand the Big Bang Theory entirely-well, except for the initial nothingness called ‘just energy’-but other than that, I follow everything.  But when, in my absolute conviction I introduce into the equation the notion of Intelligent Design, the theory, as a mediatory means, works.  Divine Will, knowledge and power accompanied by the infinite Divine Love…’heavenly happiness’ this is what we all crave for, when…we take the time. But usually, we are busy, we have chores, we learned to be judgmental, we do not (of course) like-many of the things, and we consider love to literally be a four letter word, of which some of our grandparents did not even dare speak much. 

They only dared love their country…and…minded-the affairs of the family.   The Goauld theory, that one has to cherish one’s envy and hate, that one has to be mean, makes for one miserable human being.  Judging by the shrieks I hear from them on the line sometimes, I do not even understand where they misplaced the human, because I am here to tell them, they remained just the empty beings, and not human, not with such deeds, not any more.    It is LOVE, not envy, of course not hate, which pushed everything and everybody forth. 

‘Find a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life’ was said by Confucius.  And we all feel, if we take the time, that we know him.  If or when one dedicates oneself to a hobby, one knows what Confucius meant to say.  Are we tired by the jobs we love?  Yes, but we can take such immense satisfaction from it, that we cannot believe there is also money coming with it.  Well, we believe it, believe me, and it better come, the money, but…We are HAPPY.


  1. rebecca

    I’ve just gotten into manifestations through uttering. It’s astonishing I came across this book almost immediately.

    • Emily

      It was probably the universe leading you to greater manifestation heights.


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