I am Carl Brothers, a father of two amazing toddlers, a lucky husband, an engineer by day and writer by night. I released my debut novel, Keepers & Destinies, in September of 2020. In a year wrought with far more downs than ups on a social, professional and personal level, I consider releasing this book one of my greatest achievements.
Finding a forum for your voice to be heard is one the toughest challenges facing new authors. Bridging the gap between writers and readers is another. I am thankful for Authors’ Lounge and the platform they offer writers to tackle both challenges.
Keepers & Destinies is an enthralling exploration into the interaction of the world of man and celestials. This tale is centered around the Earthly journey of a Guardian angel, Andrea, as she searches for the key to Heaven’s victory in the looming Armageddon. Her quest proves more difficult than she envisioned and the obstacles along the way threaten to ensnare everything she holds dear. It’s a story of self-discovery, courage, duty and sacrifice.
The plot for the Keepers & Destinies series came to me in a dream. I shared it with my younger brother, and with his encouragement and support, I was able to turn my dream into this novel. I’m forever grateful for everything he was to me during this journey.
What audience would enjoy this book? This story plays well for readers with open and imaginative minds. Fans of paranormal thrillers, TV shows about the supernatural, or anyone who enjoys a truly strong female lead would love this book. What most people seem to love most about it is the imagery, the characters and their development, and action-packed battle scenes.
One of the biggest joys of releasing this book is getting to read the reviews on it. So far, they’ve all been very positive. Knowing that I could bring joy and entertainment to people, most of whom I’ve never met, has been far more fulfilling than I could’ve imagined.
I hope those who read this book are thoroughly entertained and that they fall in love with the story, particularly the lead. This book exists in the world of grey, which I think is an apt reflection of our world today. When things aren’t defined by right and wrong, all you can do is follow your heart, do the best you know how to and hope to have no regrets when we reach the finish line.
The second and third books of this trilogy will be released in 2021, so stay tuned for more thrills and epic adventures.
When not working on other writing projects, I’m usually spending time with my family or pursuing other hobbies such as reading, drawing and painting. As much as I enjoy adventure, I don’t get thrills from escapades with a fair amount of risk involved. I’m passionate about nature and the outdoors, and I’m sure some of this bleeds through in my writing.
My favorite author will remain the late, great Octavia Butler. I love her writing style, her emphasis on character development, and her gift for storytelling. All of these are on exquisite display in her book, Wild Seed, which happens to be my favorite book.
If there’s any advice I can give to aspiring writers, it would be don’t let anyone or anything discourage you from going after your dreams. The process might be hard, but that makes it all the more amazing when you reach the finish line. Do it when you can, while you are able.
For more about me please visit my website by clicking here.
Follow me on twitter @cbrotherswriter
Keepers & Destinies can be purchased by clicking on the link below:
Paperback: https://www.amazon.com/dp/1636499805