Ghost Hunting: Proving the Paranormal Realm Exists

by | Jul 22, 2023 | Paranormal | 0 comments

Photo by Stefano Pollio on Unsplash

Although believing in it is essentially asking judgment from the sciences, ghost hunting and anything paranormal is an interesting concept.

Do you believe in the paranormal?

Not to floating blankets with holes for eyes or the friendly ones that dance with humans, but those that haunt somewhere as they cannot move on from the afterlife. The answers to such a simple question can be highly divided among skeptics and believers.

Some choose to be logical and stick with the sciences, doubting life after death and ultimately disbelieving in the paranormal. They almost always come up with a logical explanation whenever something unexplainable happens. But when logic fails, there’s always the argument of media editing to use. On the contrary, some individuals lean toward the seemingly impossible endeavor of proving the paranormal through ghost hunting. With ghost equipment in their hands, they set out to haunted locations and try to communicate with these entities.

Yet, regardless of which side people classify themselves in, once dowsing rods begin moving on their own, everyone becomes interested in finding evidence of ghosts’ existence.

People’s Undying Interest in the Dead and the Afterlife

Even though most people doubt they even exist, ghosts are one of the famous figures in society.

In fact, the debate about their existence has caused so much intrigue they’ve gotten their branch of study. Apparently, ghost hunting isn’t only a fad within the media. It’s not a process solely done by Youtubers or influencers to gain the public’s attention. But it’s also an intellectual endeavor students and professionals may take to understand and prove the paranormal realm.

Although people’s interest in it peaks during Halloween, with it being the “ghost month,” their belief in the paranormal is enduring. Even though it’s debated and a polarizing concept, ghosts and the in-between have always been a significant part of society.

Across any media materials, people are undeniably fond of the paranormal. Whether it’s fictional like The Unexpected Journey, one of the books in Brian Nelson’s The Branchview Series, or documentary-styled narratives, frightening tales are typically popular. Not to mention, horror movies and series are among people’s first picks in movie theaters. As unusual as it sounds, a good fright brings families together. They end up huddling together whenever anything scary is on the television, and they huddle closer when the ball drops and the pivotal point of the story happens.

While there are people who firmly claim there’s no way tangible evidence of ghosts exists, another half of the popular firmly disagree. With the existence of Paranormal studies, there have been acclaimed methods and devices meant to communicate with the dead successfully.

The Basics of Ghost Hunting

Executing ghost-hunting investigations can be exhausting as much as it’s interesting. To increase one’s chances of proving that ghosts are real, people must be knowledgeable of the field and prepared for the experience. There’s a list of ghost-hunting equipment to pack up and heave toward the location. Some of these can be costly. But these digits aren’t correlated with how effective these can be.

For starters, here are the common recommendations for beginner ghost hunters:

Dowsing Rods

Originally used to locate items’ location underground, dowsing rods are L-shaped instruments ghost hunters hold loosely in their hands. These are commonly used as a “Yes/No” communicator, which ghosts are said to move and cross to signal their agreement or disagreement to questions.

However, it can be debated that with everything emitting vibrational energy, any object can make these rods move like it’s intended for ghost hunting. Hence, dowsing rods work best with an EMF meter to prove whether unusual energy is around alongside their movement.

EMF Detector

The EMF detector exposes any unusual activity in the electromagnetic field, typically attributed to the paranormal. By waving the device around, ghost hunters wait for a sudden spike in temperature and relate it to ghostly encounters. They may also use it to communicate by asking the entities to make the detector spike high as a “Yes or No” to their questions.

However, people can argue that these spikes are caused by existing wirings or electricity within the area. So, ghost hunters must ensure to check if there is anything that could’ve caused these readings.

Spirit Box

The Spirit Box is a more recently added ghost-hunting apparatus. The box is said to capture radio frequencies and detect electronic voice phenomena (EVPs), conveying what the ghosts wish to communicate. Occasionally, the words relayed through the box are entirely unrelated to the investigation. But in other extreme situations, communication goes on smoothly between both sides.


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