The Murder Of Seth Madison

by | Mar 20, 2023 | Author | 0 comments

I am very grateful to the ‘Authors’ Lounge’, who have kindly asked me to write an article about my writing, my books, and a little bit about me.

I have at present, seven books published, all in the western genre. And there will be two more coming to an Amazon near you very shortly.

My Abraham and Lincoln series has three books published, starting with Book 1, The Murder Of Seth Maddison. Abraham and Lincoln are primarily whodunnit mysteries set in the fictitious wild west town of Winchester Flats. Abraham is an elderly, ex-Scotland Yard Detective, although he originally came from Poland. Lincoln Lane is the sheriff of Winchester Flats and, in the first book, they are thrown together when Seth Maddison, a wealthy rancher, is murdered at his daughter’s wedding. Needless to say, things are not quite what they seem, and Abraham, who has only just mysteriously arrived in town, helps the sheriff to investigate Seth Maddison’s killer. However, there is considerably more than just the investigation into Seth Maddison’s murder going on. Abraham is very much the thinking detective, while Lincoln Lane is a typical wild west sheriff. From book 1, Abraham and Lincoln form a close bond. This is the Amazon link, where the book is available in both E-Book and paperback. Amazon This would be the UK Link

There are two other books already published in my Abraham and Lincoln series.

Abraham and Lincoln Book 2 – The Texan.

Abraham and Lincoln Book 3 – Stagecoach to The Past.

Both are available in E-Book and paperback.

Abraham and Lincoln Book 4 – Will be coming later this year.

My inspiration for writing the Abraham and Lincoln series came from the two genres I love the most. Murder mystery whodunnits and the wild west and I wanted to combine the two.

I would think my target audience for the Abraham and Lincoln series is people much the same as me, who also like westerns, but in particular like a good old fashion whodunnit, with clues and suspects and intrigue. I believe the Abraham and Lincoln series is for all age groups and offers something a little different from other western books.

There is also a mini soap opera element to the Abraham and Lincoln series, which I hope the reader enjoys. The changing of characters along with retaining regular people. The developments of some of them and the way they change as the series continues. Relationships are a keen part of the Abraham and Lincoln series and as in real life, things and people change. There is no shortage of romance as well.

The plan for Abraham and Lincoln going forward is more ups and downs and changes to relationships, plus new crimes to solve. To develop as much of an interest in the characters as the mysteries that they encounter. To continue with the most unlikely friendship in the wild west.

As previously mentioned, I have several books already published, apart from the Abraham and Lincoln series.

There is my Parthena series Culpepper, with Book 1 – The Beginning Amazon

and Book 2, The Legacy of Parthena and

Book 3, The Taking Of Parthena, the last in the series.  These are all currently available on Amazon. 

Parthena is a person and a ranch and the story is a mystery adventure, that links the wild west of Wyoming with Victorian London and the Jack the Ripper murders.

Once again, not quite a typical western. Parthena is full of romance and characters from both sides of the pond.

Lastly, there is my – Fool’s Quest To Moon Water series, with book 2 ‘The Captives Gold’, also available on Amazon in E-Book and paperback. Moon Water takes place just after the end of the American Civil War and it involves a quest to find the hidden location of a tribe of Apache Indians, where gold and captives are held. There is stolen gold from the civil war and an array of characters that are thrown together over the three books of the quest. The third and final part of A Fool’s Quest To Moon Water is scheduled for either late 2023 or early 2024.

I have a new series coming and one that I think we are all very excited about. *

‘Culpepper Texas Bounty Hunter’ Book 1 will be available on Amazon very shortly.

I am grateful to the Authors’ Lounge, to be able to share this with you.

My name is Gary Diamond, a very youthful 67 who was born at a very young age! I am married to a very understanding wife and have two beautiful daughters and three wonderful grandchildren. (Hopefully more to come. No pressure). I am English and live just outside London in the county of Essex.

My writing roots stem from comedy, where I have written many plays and scripts over the years with quite a lot being published on Internet sites. While my love of comedy will always remain, western novels have now taken over my life and my retirement, and I really couldn’t be happier.


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