British Empire Stretch and dealings By Fatema Miah

by | Dec 29, 2023 | Uncategorized | 1 comment

Legacy of Violence: Africa and Asia

This book British Empire -stretch and dealings is a history book, on British Empire. In this book British Empire, I wrote about how British Empire been dealings in it’s colonies. The British Empire reached across from India to Afghanistan. British Empire finally had stepped in Middle East, after dealing with Far East. And there in Africa British Missionary’s had enforced the faith Christianity and have been baptising people parallel to it’s legacy of violence. British Empire left legacy of violence,in Africa and Asia. Two Wold Wars Britain faced and fought while running the Empire. WWII weakened British Empire and in India the nationalism there grew strongest, against British control and violence. 

British Imperial Strategy: Unraveling the Ottoman Empire and Shaping the Middle East

Indian nationalism compelled British Empire packed up and to withdraw from India. There in Arab region British Empire stretched it’s wing, put it’s foot in, managed to push the Ottoman out of Saudi and Jerusalem, and totally defeated Ottoman with the support of Arab tribal leaders, after all, enforced to totally dismantled the Ottoman Empire. Lawrence Arabia was assigned to the Arab. Lawrence became an Orientalist and made promise to Arab that Arabian land will be only for Arabs. I explained how British created Jordan and gave it to Sharif of Makkah. The British, Churchill made Saud of Riyadh the King of Saudi Arabia. 

British Empire’s Shift: From Atomic Ambitions to Global Realignment

In this book British Empire I wrote about how British Empire embarked on the new invented Atomic Warfare alongside and in competition to USA, Europe and Japan. British with its ally France made treaty of Syke-Picot. Finally, Arthur Balfour on Ireland’s Radcliffe’s suggestion declared the Israel, Jewish homeland on the Arab Land and led to the Arabs on going current unrest. UK, to overcome the financial loss what incurred for the result of the Great Wars, Britain needed support from USA and on the other hand became indebted to USA. USA’s Roosevelt made Churchill to sign a contract agreement. USA took on from them on, as a global super power. British Empire collapsed down and USA rose up as a super power and running it’s Unspoken Empire. 

 Legacy of the British Raj: Shaping Generations and Global Unrest

In the recent years, some 60-70 years later, the Changing UK, the Arab ongoing unrest and the Indians complaining about British Empire left India made India poor. In the post millennium there had been Wars, War on Terror, and the Iraq and Afghanistan wars shaken Britain hard, and it has been unbelievable, as we have seen London 7/7, in Manchester and other terror attacks. My personal family background, is strongly interconnected to British Raj In India, and from thereon, we are the next generations in UK from British Raj to UK citizens, interested me to write this book. I have written about my family line, during British India, how they faced hardship during European Wars, the WWI WWII there in Bengal region. My paternal uncle went on and fought for the Britain Empire in Europe, and brought to UK after the WWII. 

Unveiling the Evolution: British Empire’s Impact on Global Dynamics and Contemporary Britain

My Readers by reading this book will get to know some angled view of British past legacy, how British Empire has changed the world, and the Britain itself changed from thereon, gradually and drastically, emerged on to today’s diverse Britain. This British Empire is a History book for History lovers, this book can be used for school, college and university education. I am willing to and I hope to further expand on the content of contexts about changing political status of what is unfolding with the timely changes and the consequences of world’s crises and how and what global conflict impacts on Britain.

Author’s Profile: Diverse Literary Endeavors and Advocacy in Climate Science

I am Author Fatema Miah, I have other books on Amazon, in different Genre. Some in History, some in science – Climate Change, food and Physics. Few books I have written in Social science and political science and few in community and current affairs I am actively participating on Research Gate, advocating Climate Science. I live in Solihull UK. I am a mother of two good character, Physicists sons.

1 Comment

  1. Fatema Miah

    it has been great working in collaboration with Ally Einstein, of Readers Magnet In Authors Lounge.


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