Book Feature: The Beginning… The End… Anew! by Zedart Hodges

by | Oct 5, 2021 | Book Feature | 0 comments

The Beginning… The End… Anew! is a memoir featuring the life story of Zedart Hodges.

Alcohol and drug abuse are two of the most common denominator in crimes, anxiety, depression, and even suicide. Almost 20 million adults 12 years old and above suffer from drug abuse in the United States alone. The majority of them also suffer from alcoholism. In 2017, the record showed one out of every eight adults is battling both. The numbers are from

Every person that can overcome these adversities is a living miracle. Today, we will feature a memoir written by someone who survived the darkest chapter of his life. The Beginning… The End… Anew! by Zedart Hodges is a short rivetting memoir offering rich life lessons for everyone.

The Beginning… The End… Anew!: A Memoir

In September 2020, Zedart Hodges published his memoir, The Beginning… The End… Anew! The 134-page memoir, also available in digital format (Kindle), talks about his life and struggle with addiction and other substances before finally realizing that there’s more to life than the dark alley he was in.

Zedart Hodges is a recovered addict who imparts his amazing journey of overcoming various temptations, including alcohol, drugs, smoking, and several others. In this memoir, he highlights how he faced and eventually overcame addiction and achieved sobriety.

Hodges takes readers to his experience and, in the process, shows them how we can make a difference if we have the will to do it. He notes that falling back into our self-pitying condition of denial is not going to make things better. Today, Zedart has been helping people struggling with addiction (e.g., drugs, smoking, alcohol, etc.) and helping them understand that life is more significant than these challenges. In his own way, he convinces others that there is someone else other than you. For Zedart, it simply means that if other people, such as himself, can triumph against addiction, anxiety, and depression, they can too.

“A lot of time, I spoke to my brothers and sisters about a real relationship with God, and most don’t really understand.”

Today, Zedart Hodges is living a life different from what he had endured. With the grace of God and the support of family and friends, Zedart has been clean and sober for some time now. He sees those wasted years as part of a dark chapter in his life and a chapter full of lessons and wisdom. Through his book, The Beginning… The End… Anew! , Zedart Hodges hopes to share these lessons and help others overcome their demons and temptations. He wants others to realize that there is more to life than depression, sadness, and self-destruction. That people can always change and reinvent themselves as better and more responsible members of society.

The Beginning… The End… Anew! by Zedart Hodges is a light and heartwarming memoir that every person undergoing a difficult time should read.

About Zedart Hodges

Author Zedart Hodges is from North Carolina. His book The Beginning… The End… Anew! is a short but inspiring narrative about someone who got away before realizing who’s in control and paid a price that must be paid. The Beginning… The End… Anew! is about life before the liquor house, drugs, and anything else that he wanted to do. Today, Zedart is sober and clean and is ready to inspire others through his memoir.

You can purchase a copy of The Beginning… The End… Anew! through Amazon and ReadersMagnet. To know more about Zedart Hodges and his work, you can also visit his official author’s website.


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