Feature Article: Overcoming Addiction

by | Jan 24, 2022 | Featured Article | 0 comments

What is Addiction?

Addiction usually happens when you crave for something so much and lose control when using it, even when you suffer its adverse effects. Most of the time, addiction isn’t just based on a person’s attitude. It usually changes a person’s brain, changing how a person registers pleasure. 

We often think of drugs, alcohol, or smoking when we think of addiction. However, though these are the most common forms of addiction, which often lead to many health and behavioral issues, other addictions can also be detrimental. 

There is often a saying, “Too much of anything is bad.” In that sense, anyone can get addicted to anything, and too much of it can lead to detrimental effects on a person’s physical and mental health. Other common examples of addiction are computer addiction, fast food addiction, and smartphone addiction.

Why Do People Get Addicted?

Addiction often has a long and powerful influence on a person’s brain—many factors influence addictions, such as genetics, poor support networks, mental illness, and trauma. However, studies show that the most significant risk factor is age. The younger a person is, the more vulnerable they are to addiction.

How Do People Get Addicted?

For young people, the most common cause is experimentation. They are curious about what it is and what it means to get a “high.” Most of the time, peer pressure causes people to try something out in hopes that they fit in with a better crowd or get the approval of others. 

However, there are other ways or causes for people to get addicted. People with many mental health issues struggle with addiction since they often use these substances as a coping mechanism when facing their adversities. People with depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar disorders, PTSD, and many more mental health issues often suffer more when addicted to something.

Another reason why people get addicted is that they get hooked on a particular prescription. Some people use drugs when getting treated after a major injury or surgery and get addicted to the painkillers. Lastly, people who become very pressured in the workplace or at school often turn to drugs or alcohol to cope or strengthen their performance, like taking Adderall to stay awake and focused when studying or working.

There are four stages of addiction. At first, it starts with experimentation because of different reasons, such as the ones stated above. The second is regular use wherein the use of the substance often fits into the person’s daily routine. The third stage is high-risk use, and cravings for the substance at this stage are often too high. Most of the time, this is when the use of the substance often affects school, work, and relationships with others. The last stage is addiction, wherein the person has become completely dependent on the substance. A person who tries to stop often has tremors frantic behaviors and becomes irritable and unbearable when unable to take the substance.

What Makes It Hard to Quit?

In reality, many people who get addicted want to stop when they realize that it is getting worse for them. However, the common issue is that some addictions, especially drugs, nicotine, and alcohol, cause neurological changes in the brain that make it hard to quit. Most of the time, many addicts feel the need to continue their addictions to feel “normal.” They prioritize its use and have many withdrawal symptoms making it hard to do.

How Can People Quit?

Though there are many causes for drug addiction, there is still hope. There is a lot of research studying how drugs affect the brain and how people can look for treatment and help people become more productive. Because of this, addiction is already treatable as long as you follow the correct methods.

It is also helpful to read the stories of others and how they were able to get over their addiction, such as Zedart’s book for people struggling with addiction. Most of the time, each addiction story is different from another, but listening and reading to the experience of others often inspires you that you can get over an addiction too. 

If you think that one of your loved ones is struggling with addiction, do not hesitate to start treatment as soon as possible. Many addicts will often be in denial at first, but helping them see the reality is one of the best things you can do to seek treatment as soon as possible. 


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