Book Feature: Living Life with Blinders On

by | Jun 26, 2022 | Book Feature, Christian and Inspirational, Faith, Featured Article, God, Inspiration, life, Resilience, Spirituality | 0 comments

People go on their daily lives, seemingly not focusing on what matters most in life – and that is life after death. 

When thinking about the most crucial thing in life, a person’s response would either tend toward material or wealth accumulation or their relationship with loved ones or other people. Albeit it is an existing subject, still, not many people really would spend time that much thinking about what life is about after death. Dr. Julius Mosley II’s book Living Life With Blinders On seeks to awaken people’s awareness of the significance of preparing for life after the physical life. 

What the book is all about   

Dr. Julius Mosley II is a practicing dentist and ministry head of evangelism and discipleship at their local fellowship community. Ever since as a kid, the author already has a sense of purpose in his life, and that is looking for a reason for his existence. Such logic should be based upon more than being alive and existing in this world but a cause founded on a greater purpose. 

Dr. Mosley’s book reflected such passion for the search for meaning and purpose in life. Being a dentist enabled the author to help other people. But as a ministry head, he gained knowledge about his faith and what eternal life is all about and shared this information with other people while at the same time giving praise and glory to God.

“Seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness”

One of the essential teachings of the Christian faith is to “seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness.” This somewhat urgent call is an invitation for people to trust in the higher power of God, especially when facing life’s challenges. 

What are these challenges? Some of these often include worrying over the provision of man’s basic needs, such as food, clothing, and shelter. The above teaching is reaching out to people, telling them not to worry, and believing God is the ultimate provider and will never abandon His beloved creation.

The choices that people make

The teaching is an eye-opener. Aside from having that complete trust in an omnipotent being, it’s also sending out a message that whatever choices people make here on earth will eventually impact the way that their life will be after death. Without that surrendered and complete trust in God, man would tend to get lost in their way and end up doing foolish things that would not benefit their redemption or salvation.  

The book analyzes why people think and act as they do. The author pointed out that man has inherited a “cursed nature” and that it is near impossible to please God. The only way people can live a good and redemptive life is to possess a “new nature,” to give way for a rebirth, a new life. 

Redemption in the Christian faith correlates to Jesus Christ’s death to save mankind from the condemnation of their sins. It is also sometimes called atonement. Overall, it talks about salvation and an opportunity to rise above evil and live a renewed life free from sin. God already has planned mankind’s redemption. And this redemption is something everyone should strive for – eternal life after death.  

This is one of the many profound and inspiring messages that the author wanted to reach out to. Coupled with his immense desire to share and spread this knowledge, Dr. Mosley effectively seems to do so as his book is an epitome of what life’s meaning and purpose are all about – a purpose rooted in God’s love and plan for mankind. 

Ready to take on that journey of searching’s life purpose? Grab a copy of Dr. Julius Mosley II’s Living Life With Blinders On on Amazon, or visit the author’s website at


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