BEST PRACTICES IN WRITING By the Author of the Book: From Empty to Full

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Christian and Inspirational, Featured Article | 2 comments


By the Author of the Book:

From Empty to Full

Have you ever reflected on what you are most passionate about? Do you feel like your passion is your calling? These two words can be similar and even interconnected, but when you are drawn to something that you are passionate about, this is what sets it apart. Passion can be defined as having a strong love for anything. Calling is defined as the ultimate realization toward a way of life, or mission.

Writing has always been something I have felt strongly about. You could say that I have a strong love for it, but when I know within the depths of my heart that writing, for me, is my mission, I can honestly say that it is one of my callings. I feel the urge to use my writing to inspire, a sense that the written word can touch many lives, is most rewarding to me. For me, I have confidence in the One who gave me my calling, knowing this calling to write will be in His hands, guiding me systematically.

The confidence of my calling enables me to overcome every difficulty without shame, for I have an intimate revelation of this God. And my faith in him convinces me that he is more than able to keep all that I’ve placed in his hands safe and secure until the fullness of his appearing.”            2 Timothy 1:12 The Passion Translation

Knowing that there is a greater call on the inside of me gives me courage to keep putting my hands to work because I know that there is an anointing upon my hand to do so. I must do this until I fulfil my purpose on this earth. I must write with a fire struck heart as if my words were so very urgent that someone’s life may weigh in the balance.

When you are drawn to something so strongly, you cling to it, working more passionately so much so that you began to see the fruit of your labors in a positive way. You hear words of encouragement from others being touched from your work. My words are not necessarily my own, they are given to me when I pray and ask the One for the words I need to speak. I am using my Hands for God’s glory.

There is a scripture in Habakkuk 2:2 that says, Write the vision; make it plain on tablets, so he may run who reads it.”  If you are passionate about writing, or you feel like writing is your calling, when you write down your vision about what you are writing about, you will discover the desires deep within. Seeing the vision will create not only imagination but also an expectation of the fulfilled promise that will come to pass as you read and see the written word.

In my own life, when it comes to writing, the first step to putting anything on the page is to have a quiet place where I will have time to reflect on what I need to write about. The quiet place is different for everyone. This place is free of distractions where you can hear clearly and reflect on what is most important. If you have a deep call within you, in your heart, you will know what you are to write about, it will be burning on the inside of you, and you will have to put it down on the page.

Once you secure this quiet place, I ask God what am I to write about? Here are some helpful tips that help me in my writing:

  1. I find that God asks me to write about things I have experienced, whether good or bad, and about things I know.
  2. It is about overcoming and seeing the victory in situations that seem hopeless, write about your struggles, people need to see real life people being strong and moving forward, despite difficulty. People need to know that they are not alone in this world in their struggle.
  3. I am called to help and encourage others, use your writing as an outlet of healing, not only for you, but also for others. Your testimony may be painful to expose, but it is a pathway to the continual healing process.
  4. Write about things that you want to see changed. You can make the difference. Your words may become the answer to someone’s problems.
  5. When you feel like you do not have a voice in a matter, write about the issue and express yourself, boldly standing up for what is right.
  6. Let your thoughts flow on the page, you will discover your true self and find the hidden real you on the inside that is screaming to get out.
  7. Let your heart dictate your hand in writing, letting your imagination paint picture words of what you are trying to say.
  8. Be free and do not hold back, just write, be yourself. Do not lose your identity in your writing. While grammar and sentence structure are important, the way you communicate through your writing is far more valuable when you do not lose your own voice in the process.
  9. Dismiss the opinions of others. Do not hide for the sake of others criticism toward you.
  10. Your writing is not for everyone. Reach your audience with your message. The influence you have on your audience will make a great impact because your message will travel to hearts, minds, and emotions everywhere, greatly affecting them, preparing them for greatness.
  11. Ask for help when you need it, use the resources that are available to you, when you feel stuck.

Most of all, do not sit there and not write when your destiny weighs in the balance because you will not rise up in your calling. Your writing is NOT for you, it is for others, and those that you will reach will be your target audience.

You are created for a purpose, it is writing, then start to pray and get busy.

  1. Set a place.
  2. Set a time.
  3. Write.

Practicing writing is like a date, you prepare, you get ready, show up and be yourself. In the end, it will not only make you happy, but others need to show up and see and experience the great part of you, too. Don’t stand up your date, write, and write again, keep writing. If all you can put on the page is 20 words a week, make a commitment to do so, but challenge yourself to do more.  Pursue this with everything you have. The more you do, the more you will become who you are destined to be. You have a voice, use your hands to communicate what the world needs, and that is you, my friend, rise up and take your place in your writing. As for me, I will rise to the occasion and be the writer I am called to be! Who is with me? What is your calling? Writing, then WRITE!


  1. Grace

    This is a good depiction of God’s will being fulfilled in her life.

    • Kaylee

      True. Everyone must read this book and experience God’s goodness.


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