Author of The Week | Lydia Greico

by | Jul 17, 2019 | Author of the week | 2 comments

About the Author

because its wrong book coverLydia Greico has a master’s degree in occupational studies and is licensed as a psychiatric technician. Psychiatric technicians advocate for people who cannot advocate for themselves. Greico is now retired from this profession, but she still advocates for those who need it.

Greico has authored two other books and articles on different subjects. She earned her MA degree from California State University at Long Beach in 2006. It took her four years to complete this book, as it brought back many painful memories.

Synopsis of the Book

What is a bully? Who gets bullied? What is a scapegoat? Why do people get bullied? How far back in history does bullying go? What were the worst cases of bullying in history? These are the questions Lydia Greico M.A. answers in “Because It’s Wrong: Bullies vs. Nazis” (published by AuthorHouse), because she believes bullying seems to be a way of life these days.

The book was written as a teaching tool and talks about all the reasons for bullying, going into depth and showing incidents of bullying. It discusses who gets bullied, why people get bullied and the possible solutions to bullying.

“The concept of my book is that bullying is wrong. We were created in God’s own image and likeness. Shouldn’t we be treating each other a bit differently? Respecting one another and embracing our differences not forcing our beliefs on someone who doesn’t or wasn’t raised the way we were? Everyone is different and shouldn’t be damned for their differences.

I hope that someone will learn from this book and aid in my campaign against bullying. To all victims of bullying, stay the course, don’t give up. Educate yourself whether it be taking self-defense classes or going to someone you are close to and talk to them. Tell the teachers if you are being bullied. Tell your parents. Above all, know you are not alone and someone cares. “Don’t tap out.”


  1. Claire

    i am grateful that this author is properly educating about how bullying is wrong on all levels.

    • Heidi

      Yes, this helps us teach our children to be better people.


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