Firstly, I would like to thank Authors-Lounge for allowing me to introduce myself and talk about my book, Amelia’s Story.
Amelia’s Story is autobiographical–my true-life story. Originally, it was written for my daughter, so that she would have a better understanding of her mother’s arduous life journey once she was older. It was never intended for publication. I never knew how I would share my painful story with my daughter; hence, Amelia’s Story was born.

The story tells of two siblings. Jake and Amelia, whose childhoods are far removed from most. Born to an alcoholic and mentally challenged mother who views her children as a hindrance. Jake and Amelia spent most of their childhood in the state-care-system back in the 70s/80s due to no fault of their own. They were moved from children’s homes to children’s homes all over the country many times and encountered very difficult challenges along their way.
Amelia eventually found herself in the now dubbed, The Children’s Home from Hell, in the British press, called Bryn Alyn situated in North Wales. The home housed children from all over the country. It was privately run and slipped under the radar of social services checks most of the time, allowing the owner to run this large children’s home any way he pleased. And he did just that…
Bryn Alyn Children’s Home was in the middle of nowhere on acres of private land surrounded by forests and rivers. Nothing could be seen for miles. The home house up to 100 children at any one time. It was a huge place. All schooling was taught in portacabins within the grounds. No child left with qualifications.
Amelia’s Story is a tragic story and a triumphs over adversity. We, humans, are designed to withstand the strongest of storms. Once I decided to publish my story, I was amazed at how quickly my story grew wings and travelled all over the world. It touched the hearts of many people of all ages. I received messages from many people who had been or were going through traumatic childhoods. I was humbled. Each of their stories was different and yet they all had one of these things in common – rejection, unloved, unwanted, forgotten, out of sight from society.
Amelia’s story gained a lot of traction and has over 1,600 reviews on Amazon UK and over 1,750 reviews on Amazon US. My story is a three-book trilogy of my memoirs, Amelia’s Story, Amelia’s Destiny and Amelia the Mother. They are all available in five formats: Kindle, Paperback, MP3, CD and Audio.
Following on from Amelia’s Story, I went on to write fiction novels. To date, I have written 22 novels and books thus far, mainly in the romantic suspense genre. All of my books can be found on all Amazon sites worldwide.
My story has inspired and helped people all around the world. If there is one thing authoring my story has taught me, it is this:
Your beginnings do not have to define your end – D.G. Torrens.

Thank you for inviting me to talk about Amelia’s Story.