Your Relationship With Nature

by | Feb 14, 2023 | nature | 0 comments

Photo by Michael Burrows

As You Hurt Nature, You Are Hurting Yourself. Your relationship with nature will determine humanity’s survival in the long run.

There is a significant deal of talk and endeavor to protect the animals, nature, whales, birds, and dolphins, to clean the polluted lakes, fields, rivers, and others. Nature is not really put together by thought, as belief and religion are. Nature is the tiger, an extraordinary animal with energy and a great sense of power. Nature is the solitary tree in the meadows, the field, and the grove; it is that squirrel shyly hiding behind a bough. Nature is the bee, the ant, and all the living things on the Earth. Nature is those snow-clad mountains with dark blue valleys and a range of hills meeting the sea. The universe is part of nature. Everyone must have a feeling for all these, not destroying them or killing them for one’s pleasure or table. 

Be in one with nature, not verbally grasp in the description of it, but be in part of it, be made aware, feel that you indeed belong to all that, be able to have a love for all that, to admire the lizard on the wall, a deer, that broken branch lying on the ground. Look at the new moon or evening star without words, without saying much about how perfect it is and turning your back on it, captivated by something else, but watch that new delicate moon and that single star as though for the first time.

Craig Carpenter Downer’s extensive collection of poems, journal entries, and essays is the work of a devoted lifelong naturalist and adventurer. Craig befits Life’s True Nature on Wonder Streams of the Soul, and the book is dedicated to his observations, insights, and experiences as a scholar of the natural world. 

Downer’s poems are both rhyming and free verse. The wide-ranging topics include the majesty of wild horses, the speaker’s time as a shaman, money, love, morality, a climb up Mount Shasta, and more. The work exuberantly credits God as the source of truth and glory.

What do Readers Have To Say?

“Heartfelt prose and poetry. A delight to read from the author’s very personal perspective. He is quite religious and thankful to God for many of the blessings of his environment and all the inspirations for his music which he also writes and is available for purchase. Very nice for the soul.” – Galen Hazelhofer.

“This is an extraordinary book that is very important today to bring our consciousness up to a higher plane and, thus, help save the precious life community on the wonderful planet Earth. This involves getting people to recognize the spiritual essence of All of Life, in all its amazing diverse yet related forms, and to honor each individual and each kind’s indispensable role. By amplifying our horizons and getting beyond mere material/physical fixation, we can achieve a truly harmonious way of life and relationship with all the so-called other species and the ecosystems we should generously and nobly share with them. This book shows beautifully how we are all in this significant life together and that only the very best awaits us all!” – whecologist.

Author’s Bio

Craig’s remarkable life has put him in touch with diverse species, cultures, and places. He has worked in the United States, South America, and Europe, giving speeches at conferences and teaching courses.

A lifelong truth seeker, he has burrowed into all areas of Biology, majoring in Ecology, and even studied History, Philosophy, Music, English, French, and Spanish. With an innate affinity for all diverse creatures, he grew up around wilderness along the Nevada-California border.  

He has worked for ecological and animal non-government organizations, studied and taught at different universities, been a legal plaintiff for species and nature protection, testified in Congress, and done a ground-breaking telemetric study of Andean Tapir in Ecuador’s Sangay National Park, or the endangered Mountain.

On the other hand, Craig Downer is president of the Andean Tapir Fund, an IUCN Species Survival Committee member, and a Nevada Poetry Society member.


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