My Crimes of Gelato is a work of pure insanity with the backdrop of a world in crisis.
But isn’t that what a poetry collection is? A beautiful dreamboat hoping to attract a lot of passengers who enjoy the least commercial art form in the world of words?
Most people don’t read poetry which is a shame because good poetry is the language of the heart, not of the mind. You should never sit down and “understand” a poem the same way you don’t have to “understand” a sunset or a raccoon asking for a belly rub on your lawn.
Having said that, some of my poems are quite funny and not that difficult to decipher. They won’t give you a migraine because I want this collection to be uplifting. It’s not my role in life to make you vomit. I want you to forget that we are in a world in crisis.
With age, I’ve become an optimist which just goes to show how deranged I am. I offer hope and a spiritual outlook without preaching. For those of you who are fans of rage, there are a few angry rants as well because I happen to be as human as everybody else. Even though I’m a spiritual airhead with a shamanic outlook, I don’t go New Age on you. Life isn’t just shiny chakras and orange yoga mats. Sometimes it’s the cat litter that smells up your apartment.
Reading of Advice for Overthinkers from My Crimes of Gelato:
A Little About Me
As a poet, this is my first book but I’m an experienced novelist with books out in six countries. They have all come out at established publishers in my native Denmark, America, France, Portugal, Ukraine, etc. but since this is a poetry and a photobook, I decided to go with KDP/Amazon since traditional publishers will tell you not to mix poems with photography. But I like the way poetry and photos speak to each other so I have illustrated the collection with my own pictures from Transylvania, Taiwan, Italy, Ukraine, Japan, India, and many other places. I’ve even included a picture of my bathroom window just so you don’t think I’m a travel snob.
So, this is a book of inner and outer travel, of downward dogs and childhood cocker spaniels, of shamanism and Portland billboards, of yoga and mountain lakes. I’ve also included love poems for The Beatles, L’viv, Ancient Egypt, Oregon, my girlfriend’s fingers, Varanasi, 2019, New York, Damascus, and the Italian Alps.
My Crimes of Gelato will probably speak most to those with a spiritual outlook and it doesn’t hurt if you have a sense of humor.
By the way, my collection is dedicated to poet, actor, playwright Sam Shepard because forty years ago, he gave me the biggest compliment of my life for a poem I wrote in one of his workshops. In that instant, I knew I would become a professional writer someday. That poem is called Noon July and is in this collection as well.
Please check out the book here: My Crimes of Gelato: Second Edition – Kindle edition by Fogtdal, Peter H.. Literature & Fiction Kindle eBooks @
And here is a poem I wrote at the Sun Moon Lake in Taiwan as an homage to this outrageously beautiful world we live in.
The world maybe in crisis but: be happy and well, all of you!

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