Teaching Your Dog New Tricks: The Smartest Dog Breeds

by | Jul 22, 2023 | Children's Book, Therapy Dogs | 0 comments

Photo by DSD

Everyone thinks that their dog is the smartest in the world, and in Alison Keenan’s Piper Finds Her Special, dogs are indeed quite helpful and special.

Ranking the smartest dog breeds can be pretty difficult, and that is because dog intelligence, a lot like human intelligence, is extremely varied and versatile, greatly dependent on the environment wherein they are bred and raised. Of course, unlike human intelligence, most dog breeds have fixed inherent qualities. That’s what several decades of selective breeding will do to you, folks. 

Luckily, there is no such similar thing that happened within human evolutionary history, meaning that, more or less, people, discounting origin and socio-economic background, have the same potential.

Throughout the many years that people have had dogs, they have bred them to fill in particular and specific niches that are beneficial to human progress and development. Some dogs were bred for hunting, herding, and retrieving. Some dog breeds could conceivably do all three! And in modern times, dogs have been specifically bred to be therapy companions, bomb sniffers, and more!

Due to the selectiveness with which they were bred, dog personalities are quite diverse also. Some are eager to please and work. Some are fast learners. Some also can be quite agile and active.

The importance is in knowing what their personalities are and correctly matching them with a proper training regimen. 

Of course, with all these in mind, people looking for the smartest dog breeds often do not acknowledge that they do not make the best pets. This is because intelligence fosters a bit of independence among all creatures, and if you are not that keen on training your dog or matching their energy, chances are that it will just become a hassle for you both.

So, keep on the lookout for that, and don’t be fixated on “intelligence.”

Learning About Canine Intellect

It bears repeating, but dogs are smart; they are some of the most intelligent animals in the world. This is a welcome addition to their adorable cuteness! The smartest dog breeds, here, in this case, defined as their relationship with the environment and goal they were to bred to live in and participate in, have walked beside humans since man first crossed the Sinai Peninsula out of Africa, spreading across the face of the globe. This is why dogs can be found in virtually almost all continents. Even Antarctica! Dogs have even been sent to space and have been the catalyst for many, many human lives saved.

There is a lot humanity owes to its canine companions.

According to esteemed canine expert Dr. Stanley Coren, dog intelligence can best be described as three things lumped into one term. First, there is instinctive intelligence, which focuses on the purpose of the dog’s breeding. Second, there is adaptive intelligence, which focuses on the ability of the dog to make sense of its environment. Last, there is persuasive intelligence, which focuses on the dog’s willingness to work with humans. 

Although most dog breeds excel in one area more than others, the smartest dog breeds have a greater propensity for excellence in their focal intelligence. 

Some of the Smartest Dog Breeds

While it is somewhat blasé and unproductive to rank which dog breeds are the smartest, it can still be useful to know what some of them are to get a better idea if they are right for your household:

  • Australian Cattle Dogs.
  • Border Collies.
  • Doberman Pinschers.
  • German Shepherds.
  • Golden Retrievers.
  • Labrador Retrievers.
  • Papillons.
  • Poodles.
  • Rottweilers.
  • Shetland Sheepdogs.

If you are aware of your dog breeds, you might be surprised to see that most of what’s on the list are shepherd dogs. This is because shepherding is a very extensive and precise activity. Dogs who have been specifically bred to become sheepdogs are some of the smartest dog breeds out there. Of course, this is only a small list, and depending on what you’re looking for, the list could massively expand or shrink!

For a better look at how intelligent the smartest dog breeds can be, read Alison Keenan’s Piper Finds Her Special, a children’s book about the function of therapy dogs and their importance to that particular field.


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