The Key to Scientia by Cassandra Knight

by | Apr 24, 2023 | Author | 0 comments

My name is Cassandra Knight and I live in the Southwest of England, with my husband and two children. When I am not reading or writing, you can find me on an Xbox playing a variety of games, or annoying people for my own amusement. 

The Key to Scientia is a young adult fantasy and book one of a trilogy, which released in October 2022.

The story follows sixteen-year-old Alex Bryson, who stumbles across a particularly unusual treasure, which in turn, magically transports him to the wonderful story world of Scientia. Alex quickly discovers that he has a significant role to play there, one filled with secrets.

As we follow Alex through the genres of Scientia, he embarks upon a journey of self-discovery and purpose, and we meet some memorable characters along the way.

The Key to Scientia has all the great elements of fantasy, as one might expect, while the story brings a fresh take on this genre, with its many twists and turns and gripping storyline.

The idea for this story sadly came about, after the loss of my beloved pet hamster; Jack, who happens to be Alex’s sidekick in the story. His crazy antics and adorable nature made him the perfect fit for this book, and a fantastic opportunity to commemorate his passing.

The story hopes to captivate readers, both young and old. It highlights an important message about believing in yourself. That all things are, indeed, possible, if you remove all doubt and excuse. This message is highlighted again, in the following two books.

The second novel: Scientia’s Magic, is currently with my editor and I hope to have it published towards the end of the year. The third book is also written and should be available 2024; if all goes to plan.

With the Scientia trilogy already written, I plan to address my readers wishes, who have asked to hear both Madame Gnaris and the Dark Lord’s story. So, a prequel is planned for 2025. 

When writing The Key to Scientia, it soon became clear to me, that all my characters play an important role in the story. And when asked by my readers, which character was my favourite, my answer was all of them. Each character brings something unique to the story, making them all, as equally important as Alex; my MC.

However, if I had to pick one character overall, my preference would have to be Jack, for obvious reasons. Jack is charming, loveable, and not a hamster to trifle with.

Reading and writing have always been a big deal for me. My love of reading began when I was eleven and I first read the Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis. My writing was something I was born with. As soon as I was old enough to hold a pen and string a sentence together, there was no stopping me. 

For years, I suffered with imposter syndrome. The fear of someone reading my work, filled me with anxiety and I doubted my abilities as a writer. But I eventually conquered that fear, and prepared to the best of my abilities, by indulging in six writing courses during 2021. Something which helped me to overcome those crippling doubts and push me in the right direction.

After gaining a distinction in these courses, my confidence finally kicked in and I wrote my first book. 

To quote a line from my book: Always remember, success occurs when your dreams are bigger than your excuses.

A huge thank you, to Chloe and the Author’s Lounge, for this wonderful opportunity to showcase my book.

Please feel free to follow me on my author page:






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