The Girl from Pompey by Bryony Best

by | Feb 18, 2022 | Author | 0 comments

My name is Bryony Best, and I am a newly published author, who was born and raised in Portsmouth. 

Currently at thirty seven years of age and I have experienced a very interesting life. I reside on Hayling Island with my fiancé and our much loved Chihuahua dog.

After battling both drug addiction and alcoholism for many years I have escaped near death to recover and lead a healthy, sober lifestyle.

It was through my recovery, which started at a rehab facility in Portsmouth, that inspiration struck and a new addiction started to unfold.  I became obsessed with discovering the key to happiness and fulfilment.

The Girl from Pompey is a shared collection of both research and answers that I discovered for myself, in a quest for my own personal fulfilment. Data was gathered from varied backgrounds of adults, friends, family, colleagues and strangers.

Since releasing my book – The Girl from Pompey on 19th November 2021, I have been overwhelmed by the support and feedback from local people.

Quote Bryony Best – “I felt scared to share the book with the world, but I can honestly say that I feel both honoured and privileged for all the support I have received”.

At this time I currently work as a qualified Holistic Therapist, and have been living a very different lifestyle for many years now. A day like any other usually starts with an early morning meditation, followed by composing a list of goals and tasks for the day. I have studied and passed qualifications to improve my life, achieving certification for Animal Psychology and I very much enjoy helping animals. I am also a qualified Teacher, Trainer and a Motivational Life Coach.  

The Girl from Pompey has received fantastic feedback and reviews.  Many readers are claiming that since reading the book, they have made changes to improve their life. One lady in particular said that she has quit her job, and started a new business venture and she has high hopes for her future.

The book covers a variety of hard hitting subjects, including: alcohol and drug addiction, childhood trauma, mental health and wellbeing.  

The main focus of the story is: discovering the key to happiness and fulfilment, a secret and discovery that I feel all of us can welcome.

The book has been described as “down to earth”, “real”, “funny”, “hard hitting” “motivating”, and “refreshing”.

My inspiration to write the book is to share my experience with the world, to bring knowledge and practical help to others. Do you know anyone who doesn’t want to be happier of fulfilled?

My book reveals the full process of my inspiration to write The Girl from Pompey, this all began after a meditation session – which I do daily.

Addiction and Mental-Health seem to be taboo subjects, less than they were before but both still in need of the spot light. Alcoholics and drug users, these appear to be dirty words that the public shy away from. It is with great certainty that I feel the need for educating other, on matters such as mental health. As someone who has personally been lost in a dark space with little to no support, I use my book to reach out to others who may be experiencing similar a predicament.

I am currently writing my prequel to The Girl from Pompey, a story of my experience of a life living with sensitivity to the supernatural. Common feedback from readers; has been requests for more information on my experience with Spiritualism.

I am excited to be in touch with Author’s Lounge, they are giving authors a platform to be introduced to the world. As a self published author it is important to grab all opportunities with both hands.

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