“I am delighted I chose to live where I can see that life is going on somewhere else in the world.” Separating from my husband and desperately alone in my apartment, with a busy highway running right outside.” – Margaret Moschak.
Can those struggling with an alcohol addiction feel and express love? Those who have experienced a complicated relationship with their spouse or partner due to addiction often ask themselves this question. Sustaining or developing a relationship with someone experiencing alcohol addiction may not always be smooth sailing. However, support options are made available for both you and the person.
Due to substance use disorders and addiction symptoms, you may doubt whether the individual experiencing the addiction feels love for you. This is what Margaret Moschak shared with her alcoholic husband.
About The Book
“My Alcoholic, My Love” reveals the grim reality of life in homes torn apart by alcoholism – the untold sufferings and miseries that families have to endure from alcoholic loved ones. The author’s story is a gripping story of a wife who crumbled under the weight of her husband Roger’s alcoholism over the years. In her self-memoir, the author shares how living with an alcoholic spouse is no walk in the park for any marriage and the feeling of devastation when leaving an alcoholic you love.
By sharing her story in “My Alcoholic, My Love,” the author gives the suffering spouses and their families a much-needed voice. By breaking her silence, she reveals to the world that families of alcoholics are victims as well, also needing rescue and comfort more so than their alcoholic loved ones. Moschak’s story speaks for the many individuals – some of them ashamed of being enablers of their loved ones’ drinking habit – who care so much for their alcoholic loved ones and finally find the courage to say ‘enough.’
Order a copy of Margaret Moschak’s book on the author’s website at https://www.myalcoholicmylove.com.
Author’s Profile: Margaret Moschak
Margaret Jackson Moschak earned her Master’s degree at the State University (SU) of New York at Albany. She has spent most of her life studying people – whether employed as a secretary in a welfare office, teaching in high school, encouraging youth students to love reading, working in local politics, or managing an exhibiting art group. Margaret is always searching out why people interact as they do with one another.
On the other hand, part of a massive family in northern New York, she now lives in Ithaca, New York, where she is a Taoist Tai Chi instructor. She has three sons, a daughter, and five grandchildren.
Understanding Getting Help
It may be challenging to convince your spouse to get help, but options are available if you want to help your spouse.
You may not be able to persuade someone to stop drinking. However, therapists and alcohol rehabilitation facilities can provide renewed perspective and hope through programs designed to provide recovery and guidance. These programs allow those struggling with an addiction to control and manage their symptoms and live a free life of addiction.
You can do everything possible to show your support and love, from engaging them in healthy habits to taking them to their appointments to help solve problems.
Further, if it harms you emotionally, you may also have to step back from the relationship. You may have tried your best to help as much as possible, but your efforts are not making a dent. Getting professional resources in place for your partner may be beneficial so that you do not have to take it on alone.
Addiction can feel scary, isolating, and never-ending at times. Both partners of those impacted and their loved ones may experience these types of feelings. Thus, consider reaching out to a professional to gain expert insight into how addiction may affect your relationship.
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