One day, if humanity destroyed itself, alien species visiting our planet will probably wonder what happened to the homo sapiens.
The root cause won’t be the specific conflict, catastrophe, or devastation that eradicates individuals; the problem will begin with the architecture of the human brain. If humanity destroyed itself it will probably happened sooner than they expect. This tool will be remembered for being, in part, deeply impressive, containing 100 billion neurons capable of extraordinary computations and combinations. As aliens will note, a particular part of the mind where our most dazzling thoughts unfolded was known to neuroscientists as the neocortex – a feature that in humans was many times larger than that found in any other species. This helped the hugely clever ape to produce computers, war machines, Concorde, and civilization.
You don’t often take seriously, contemplating how small a slice of humanity you see at the moment, how transient the political affairs of the day are, and how maybe the most important thing about all of these affairs is what role, if any, they will play in shaping that entire future of humanity. And yet this whole future is at risk. Humanity is not a typical species. One of the things that most worries everyone is how technology might put everyone at risk. In addition, people’s lack of self-identity, everyone has become removed from the natural world. In doing so, everyone consigns nature to something at a lower level than ourselves, which turns nature into something easy to exploit and destroy because it seems remote to people and, therefore, expendable. This is precisely what is happening today: the global devastation of species and ecosystems at an ever-increasing rate.
The book “Rediscovering the Wisdom of Human Nature—How Civilization Destroys Happiness,” by Chet Shupe, hopes it will inspire a reawakening to your inborn wisdom, a Nature’s map of life, which civilized life ignores, to your grave detriment. Regaining your natural sense of order, purpose, and belonging cannot be forced. It will result from your recognition that your only access to the wisdom of your soul is the feelings you experience in light of your present circumstances. Feelings inspired by your concerns about the imagined future, on the other hand, dissociate everyone from the wisdom of one’s soul, the souls of those around people, and, most ominously, from the experience of being alive to the moment. People are not living when forced by externally imposed laws that repress their feelings of the moment out of concern for their future well-being, people are not living. Everyone is marking time.
Readers’ Review:
“What I like about the book is the same thing I hate about it. From Shupe’s point of view, I find his aggression towards civilization somehow reasonable.” — AfraBrb.
“I see this manuscript becoming a highly praised philosophical read that will be enjoyed by anyone seeking to understand the madness of our civilization.” —Rasheedah Hakeem.
“I would humbly recommend this book to those who, like me, have always felt unmoored from life and have never understood why.” —Anjellina.
Author’s Bio:
As a whistle-blower to the globe, Chet Shupe speaks with gravity about the need to rediscover humans’ connections with their nature if they are to experience ever again the contentment of brotherhood and sisterhood that is their raw culture.
Chet Shupe is an electronics engineer who was initially diagnosed with severe Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) for much of his life. When he was forty-three, his condition was finally diagnosed, and he began treatment with Ritalin. Suddenly, life made sense. As a result of that unique experience, he began writing on brain dysfunction to provide a conceptual framework for medically treating the brain.
As a result of that effort—combined with his professional knowledge of system control theory—Shupe’s subject soon changed from brain dysfunction to cultural dysfunction. He realized that the brain could not find lasting contentment, nor can it produce behavior that serves its species when functioning in a reality that it does not comprehend emotionally.