To gain a work-life balance, caregivers must adhere to certain routines and exercises and maintain a healthy body, a sound mind, and a stable emotional quotient.
“Balance is not better time management, but better boundary management. Balance means making choices and enjoying those choices.”– Betsy Jacobson.
Caregivers are among the most dedicated but mostly overworked employees in our society. Their job description does not only expect them to perform specific tasks for patients. Caregivers are also expected to perform admirably every day and often beyond their scheduled hours. Caregivers are known to perform the extra mile while rarely receiving the additional compensation and recognition they deserve. In One Caregiver’s Journey, a memoir that can also be categorized as a book about how to become a caregiver, the author highlights how the taking of someone can transform a person. It’s no secret that the challenges in caring for an elderly or a sick person can take a toll on the caregiver. Imagine a professional caregiver taking care of several patients not related to them. The stress can be overwhelming and often affects their well-being.
For caregivers to continue serving efficiently and effectively, reaching a healthy work-life balance is essential.
Contrary to popular belief that it is a 50-50 time allocation or attention between your work and your personal time (often interpreted as leisure and relaxation), work-life balance has more to do with setting priorities and goals that will ensure that you have a healthy body, a sound mind, and a serene disposition. According to,
“Work-life balance refers to an equilibrium state, where one effectively balances work or career demands and those of their personal life. An individual who lacks a work-life balance has more work and home obligations, works longer hours, and lacks personal time. “
Achieving work-life balance for caregivers involves creating routines and exercises with a holistic approach and tangible goals.
Below are ideas that can significantly help our caregivers and workers, in general, achieve a healthy balance between work and personal life.
Set Breaks in Between Work
While workplaces have lunch breaks and scheduled breaks that can be maximized for resting, it is also essential to have “internal” breaks between work. These internal breaks can range from a few seconds to a minute or two to take a breather. These quick breaks allow you to refresh your perspective and goals for the day. They can be in the form of drinking a glass of water, stretching, reading an article, or just a quick stroll into an unfamiliar part of your workplace.
Schedule Volunteer Time Off
Vacation and paid leave are essential for every employee, especially caregivers. While rest days should be enough for the body to recover after a week of work and stress, taking a scheduled time off from work will allow caregivers to recalibrate, reflect, and rebuild physically, emotionally, and mentally. An out-of-town trip or out-of-country travel will benefit caregivers and enable them to return to work refreshed and re-energized.
Planning Daily Routines & Goals
This is one of the essential exercises for every caregiver. Planning what your day will look like and setting small, achievable goals daily. Mismanagement of time is one of the leading causes of stress and the inability to perform productively and efficiently. If caregivers can manage their time and set daily goals, every shift should be closer to a walk in the park.
Investing in a Healthier Lifestyle
Physical exercise, proper diet, and a healthy disposition contribute to the caregivers’ overall welfare. A healthy and physically fit caregiver is an effective caregiver. Also, adequate rest and quality sleep hours are essential to achieving a healthier lifestyle. Getting 8 hours of sleep is still the ideal number for any working individual, especially professional caregivers. We cannot expect them to take care of patients if they need caring.
Minimize Gadget, Seek New Hobbies
Studies have proven that spending too much time on the Internet and gadgets causes stress, headaches, fatigue, eye strain, and more than a dozen more health hazards. The time wasted on mobile games, social media, and other gadget-based entertainment should be diverted to getting enough rest and sleep. Or you could spend the time seeking hobbies that will improve your health and mental disposition, like yoga, trekking, gardening, or learning how to cook healthy dishes.
Overall, there are tons of ways to achieve work-life balance. The key is to commit yourself to these healthy exercises and routines and make your well-being a topmost priority.