Feature Article: Dissecting the Bible for Modern Christians

by | Dec 14, 2021 | Featured Article | 0 comments

For thousands of years, writers, scholars, and church people have interpreted the Bible in the hopes of correctly spreading its wisdom, lessons, and stories to the faithful.

Hermeneutics, or the study of the general principles of the Bible, is crucial in the life of every Christian. The Bible carries the Holy Scriptures, the life story of Jesus, and the gospels according to His disciples. It is necessary to study and interpret the Bible to know its truths and values. Not only is the Bible the source of the faith’s history, but it also serves as an everyday guide and the moral compass for all believers of God and Christ. Along with hermeneutics, Biblical studies and theological studies all play quintessential roles in spreading the correct ideas and stories written the Holy Book that governs the lives of its 2.3 billion followers.

Interpreting and dissecting the Bible’s content helps provide a meaningful and grounded understanding of God’s message and truthfully harvest the lessons, values, and their significance in our daily lives.

The book Colossians Verse by Verse, a book about the gospel of truth by Dr. Jack Hetzel, is an example of how dissecting the contents in the Holy Book can guide us today. As the title suggests, the book primarily studies the Bible’s Book of Colossians or simply known to us as Colossians. It is the 12th book in the New Testament written mainly by Paul the Apostle. According to Dr. Jack Hetzel, 

“The reason for this writing was to hopefully give fuller understanding of every major subject Apostle Paul mentioned in the book of Colossians by writing a short chapter on each subject. At times when Paul used a word, I would write a chapter on that particular word. Not that I am smarter than the reader, but perhaps placing what knowledge I have of the Bible after sixty-eight years in the ministry which I consider to be the word of God and that the only way to true faith is to believe what is written, and to help people see themselves as God sees them.”

Colossians Verse by Verse offers a guide to understanding not only what Paul Apostle is trying to say in his letters. Hetzel’s book also provides insight into these texts and their relation to our personal experiences and today’s Christian community. Works like this actually help us avoid adapting a dogmatic view of the Bible.

While the Church and theologians are the primary sources of interpretation and understanding of the Bible, our individual and collective experiences in our spiritual journey can also help us understand the Scriptures, faith, and our personal relationship with God.

Individual study and our reflections of the Bible’s scriptures and gospels are essential in our spiritual journey and in building a more meaningful relationship with God and Jesus. And sometimes, interpretations and studies were made by those who spent many years living the missionary life, and understanding the Bible in daily context can serve as a guide for us. A good Christian does not blindly accept what is written in the Bible or what is repeatedly preached on Sundays. A good follower of Christ is always curious and tries to absorb the Bible’s lessons and values and apply them to how they speak, act, and decide on things. And works such as the one written by Dr. Jack Hetzel, a pastor who dedicated his life to the ministry for so many decades, can indeed serve as a credible source of valuable insights for modern Christians living in a complex world full of misinterpretations and false prophets.


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