Ending Fear: The “7R” Formula for Fearless Awakening by Tom Wakechild

by | Mar 14, 2023 | Author Feature, Book Feature | 0 comments

Wakechild’s latest book, Ending Fear: The “7R” Formula for Fearless Awakening, provides how-to steps, tools, and logic needed to overthrow fears and regain inner peace.

Coming from the business world while being a mystic is a rare combination. This gives Thomas Wakechild a unique perspective that successfully straddles both the material and spiritual worlds. Wakechild, a best-selling author, is a practical mystic who blends scientific and mystical traditions to formulate practical solutions for living in today’s fear-based world.

Tom understands that we live on a planet driven mad with fear. Media, governments, and societies use fear to control, manipulate and foster dependency among their members. We are surrounded by individuals who have been brainwashed into believing that society’s fear-based thought system can keep them safe. In reality, it only enslaves and disempowers its members. Since fear and happiness are mutually exclusive, following such a belief system guarantees you will never obtain the true happiness and inner peace you seek and deserve.

Wakechild shines a light on this dilemma and proclaims you cannot end fear within the old thought system designed to create, maintain and perpetuate fear. To end fear, you must overthrow the old belief system.

You are not the problem. Instead, the real problem is your allegiance to this old erroneous thought system that does not even realize what you truly are. You are not your body. Scientists now state that you are energy or consciousness. As consciousness, you are a creative force in your world. Until you recognize this fact, you will continue to live in fear.

To correct this old mindset, you need a new belief/operating system based on science’s new discoveries about consciousness and what you are. Based on a different set of assumptions and beliefs, this new thought system empowers, activates, and consciously utilizes this creative force. Responsibility consciousness now replaces victim consciousness. Wakechild’s “7R” Formula provides such a blueprint.

Fear arises anytime you believe you lack the creative ability to handle a given situation. Anytime you fail to answer either of these questions right, you will slip into fear. The first is “What are you?” The second is “What do you value and why?”

Wakechild’s latest book, Ending Fear: The “7R” Formula for Fearless Awakening, is designed to expose this problem, acknowledge it and provide the how-to steps, tools, and logic needed to overthrow fears and regain inner peace.

The program’s “7 R” steps are: REALIZE 


In Readers’ Favorite’s 5-star editorial review by Foluso Falaye, it states. “Wakechild’s 7 R Formula, backed up by sociological, psychological, scientific, and logical assessments, is a powerful toolkit for understanding fear, its sources, and how to overturn society’s fear-based belief system.”

Most self-help books deal in generalities but lack specifics but not this book.

Maria Beltran’s 5-star editorial review for Readers’ Favorite declares. “Ending Fear” by Thomas Wakechild is a powerful and influential guide to overcoming fear and finding happiness…Wakechild doesn’t shy away from the gritty details. Instead, he shines a light on the different factors that drive our fears and helps us to understand the world we operate in and how we can do better.”

Due to recurring childhood nightmares of the murder of his twin sisters, Wakechild was forced to address his fears. He became a lifelong student and teacher of this problem. He dedicated much of his life to understanding fear, its debilitating effects, and how to break those negative creation cycles. This guidebook offers hope for those who struggle with phobias that ruin their lives.

Because beliefs are limiting your experiences, his book combines psychological, sociological, and scientific studies to support a new empowering vision of what you are and why you value something. This proven and practical thought system unlocks your mind’s creative power. It allows you to deliberately recreate your self-identity and determine what principles will guide your life.

In Wakechild’s latest eye-opening book, you will discover:

· The mind science surrounding fear and how to use it for your benefit

  • Two simple questions you need to get right to exchange fear for inner peace 
  • How to uncover and change negative default beliefs that limit your potential
  • A rational scientific approach to defend spirituality against secular attacks
  • How to stop playing in society’s blame, shame, and guilt game
  • 3 laws that govern the world of perception and how to effectively use them 
  • How to destroy fear at its source, so it does not reappear

 And much more.

You are born to be you and not what others expect of you.

To obtain inner peace, you must reject your old fear-based beliefs and consciously adopt a new paradigm that redefines what you are. Wakechild asks you to join the movement to Fearless Awakening. Adopt this new mindset of what you are. Learn to control, manage and eliminate your fears and reclaim your true destiny.

Note: Tom Wakechild is also the author and conduit for the highly acclaimed Understanding A Course in Miracles Series.


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