William and Tibby Forever is about a cat’s view about life on earth and in heaven by Lynda Hamblen.
Fables have evolved throughout the years. Before fables center on animals storied that feature basic values like honesty, patience, humility, kindness, and so forth. Modern animal stories focus more on adventures. The values and storylines are also more complex and serious. Modern animal novels such as George Orwell’s Animal Farm, and Jack London’s The Call of the Wild tackle on issues such as equality, identity, and self-preservation among others. Author and cat lover Lynda Hamblen wrote a book about her dead cat. William and Tibby is a modern animal story about a cat’s perspective about life on earth and in heaven by Lynda Hamblen.
William and Tibby Forever
William and Tibby Forever follow the story of two cats- William and Tibby. They are siblings under the care of a compassionate woman. The woman, who lives with her hon, love the cats so much that she considers them a part of her family. She has provided all their needs from vaccinations to a healthy home. She had developed a deep bond with the cats. One day, William was killed leaving the woman and Tibby devastated. William goes to heaven, while the woman and Tibby go on with their lives, waiting for the day they will be reunited with William. It also follows William’s adventures in heaven as he tries to deal with other cats and animals in heaven while striving to earn his halo. The book is written from William’s perspective as he imparts his views about life on earth and in heaven.
William and Tibby Forever is a funny adventure story about a cat’s encounters in heaven. Lynda Hamblen’s debut novel is filled with pleasant surprises and a unique storyline. Just like most animal novels, there is laughter, thrill, a bit of drama, but more of happiness and celebration of life. William and Tibby Forever is a delightful read for everyone.
“As soon as Second Mom had departed, Tibby availed herself of the opportunity to sit in Hon’s recliner. It was there that Elvira, strolling through the room a few minutes later, found her. Stopping in mid-stride, she gaped in disbelief. Hon’s recliner was strictly off-limits. Tibby spied Elvira at about the same time that Elvira spied her. Yawning nonchalantly, she said, “Come on up. I need to talk to you.” Shaking her head, Elvira backed away a few steps, squeaking, “I thought we weren’t supposed to sit in Hon’s chair. Tibby eyed Elvira scornfully. “Silly, the rules don’t count if there’s no one here to scold us or yell and smack a newspaper at us. We can do whatever we want then.”
Excerpt from William and Tibby by Lynda Hamblen
Before writing William and Tibby Forever, Lynda was working on two materials. When her cat William was killed, she was so saddened by the loss. Lynda thought about other people, especially kids, who also have pets. So she decided to write a children’s illustrated book about William’s death. What started as few scribbles turned out to be more than a dozen pages filled with narratives about William, Tibby, and even Elvira. It was then that Lynda decided to publish a book and not a picture book.
William and Tibby is not an ordinary book. It is filled with lessons and heartwarming moments. Grab a copy of Lynda Hamblen’s book today.
About the Linda Hamblen
Lynda Hamblen lives with her husband in Obion County, Tennessee. She owns a cat named Elvira is 17 years old. She is a published poet and essayist. After having spent the last thirty years living with cats, she decided to write a book based on a cat’s perspective. In 2018 Hamblen published William and Tibby Forever. It is her first published novel. Lynda Hamblen is currently working on essays and poems.