Book Feature: Sabbath Economics: A Spiritual Guide Linking Love and Money by Judith Wright Favor

by | Mar 23, 2021 | Book Feature | 0 comments

Sabbath Economics is a practical guide on faith, money, and spiritual growth by Judith Wright Favor.

Spiritual guidebooks mainly cover aspects of our faith and spiritual growth. Often, these works of literature fix the outlines on inner well-being, morality, overcoming past traumas, and betterment of one’s spiritual and emotional state. Today, we are going to feature a different type of spiritual guidebook. Sabbath Economics: Sabbath Economics: A Spiritual Guide Linking Love and Money is a self-help book, a memoir, and a narrative of personal journey and spiritual growth all rolled into one. Let us get a closer look.

Sabbath Economics: A Spiritual Guide Linking Love and Money

Sabbath Economics: A Spiritual Guide Linking Love and Money is written by Judith Wright Favor. It was published in 2020 and is Favor’s latest work. What makes this book a refreshingly unique spiritual book is its topics and the format that Favor used to share her ideas and stories. In her book, Judith Wright Favor shares her wisdom about faith, spirituality, and personal journey and offers a trustworthy guide into money management. Sabbath Economic draws wisdom from Quakers’ faith and practice and introduces to her readers the concept of the Inner Guide. According to Favor, ‘Contemplative money management involves a shift from head-centered control to soul-centered attentiveness.’

“Sabbath Economics (the ‘mother book’) is a combination of how-to, memoir, and journey of personal and spiritual growth. The writing style is informal, conversational, and occasionally intimate. Judith Wright Favor offers inventive ideas to support readers in exploring new approaches to old difficulties. Contemplative money management involves a shift from head-centered control to soul-centered attentiveness. Calling upon your Inner Guide is an art anyone can learn, for all of us know the power of meaning and purpose when it touches us. Stories explore themes of slowing, owing, owning, consuming, sharing, neighboring, and belonging. Practices support giving full attention to our true selves, our dearest ones, our hurting planet, and our Sacred Source. Attention is a pure form of generosity. Increasing attentiveness is a core value brought forth in these pages.” (except from book description)

What Does the Book Feature?

Sabbath Economics is a book that features stories on slowing, owing, owning, consuming, sharing, neighboring, and belonging. Readers get practical guides on how to provide fuller attention to our true selves, our dearest ones, our hurting planet, and our Sacred Source. Favor reminds us that paying attention is a pure form of generosity. By increasing our own attentiveness, we practice the spiritual guidance introduced in the pages of this book.

Other published works by Judith Wright Favor

Judith Wright Favor has six creative non-fiction books under her name. She also has credits with writing articles in varied faith-based publications and book reviews focused on the work of many leading (and lesser-known) authors. Below is a list of her published major works:

  • Silent Voices (2014)The Edgefielders: Tales of a Poor Farm Great-Grandmother (2013)
  • Spirit Awakening: A Book of Practices (1988)
  • The Beacons of Larkin Street (2017, first in a trilogy) 
  • Sabbath Economics: A Spiritual Guide Linking Love and Money (2020)
  • Friending Rosie: Respect on Death Row (co-written with Rosie Alfaro), to be released this year

About the Author

Judith Wright Favor is an author, spiritual counselor, teacher, and pilot. Beginning at a young age, Judith always learned to listen to her mother and to different kinds of people with kindness and respect for a long time now. Judith has consistently interacted with spiritual seekers for more than fifty years. She continues to guide people in writing for positive change in these challenging times. Her devotion to God, poetic language, and contemplative practice have enabled her to impart unique insights into the connections between love and money presented in her latest book, Sabbath Economics. 

Judith Wright Favor is a staunch advocate for attentive approaches to faith and finance. She views this approach as a counterculture to the influence of consumerist culture in American society. Judith incorporates teaching the power of silence to shape behavior and culture. She shares her wisdom and energy by leading courses and retreats with Spirituality and Practice, Stillpoint, Ghost Ranch Conference Center, Alternatives to Violence programs in six California prisons. She also shares her expertise with Claremont School of Theology, Ben Lomond Quaker Center, Friends General Conference, Pacific Center for Spiritual Renewal, plus numerous churches, faith-based social-change groups, and a few retirement communities.

To know more about Judith Wright Favor, grab a copy of her books, or visit her author website today.


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