Book Feature: A Revelation of Life Endeavors by Thomas Rembert Jr.

by | May 13, 2023 | Book Feature, Christian and Inspirational, Social Issues, Societal Issues | 1 comment

A Revelation of Life Endeavors by Thomas Rembert Jr. is a religious book that aims to find answers to the numerous secular issues our society suffers from.

With the many problems the world and society are facing nowadays, Thomas Rembert Jr.’s book Revelation of Life Endeavors is a much-needed help we welcome with open arms. But before we can even begin to benefit from what the book offers, we must first understand it.

That said, we’ll examine the book and answer three questions: What is the book all about? What can readers expect from it? And is the book worth a reader’s time? Let’s find out!

What is A Revelation of Life Endeavors All About?

A Revelation of Life Endeavors is a book concerning how to deal with the secular issues our societies encounter. Some of these secular problems include weapons of mass destruction, whispers of wars and propaganda leading to Wars, deviant sexual practices like abortions, homosexuality, corruption in churches and government, same-sex marriages, drugs of all kinds and descriptions, as well as all types of criminal activities in addition to wars.

It’s about pushing for a total spiritual revolution because the author, Thomas Rembert Jr., believes that it is what we need to change the makeup of thinking within our society — and it must all start with The Church. The answer lies in Gangs For Jesus. It imparts three fundamental principles: 1. Learn to be Humble. 2. Don’t Worship Money and Glamor, and 3. Repent and Live or Stay Wicked and Die.

With compassion, empathy, and sympathy missing in a vast part of our society, God’s teachings are required to help us fix many societal problems. The book is the author’s attempt to provide an answer and ultimately benefit humanity in moving forward.

What Can Readers Expect?

The author offers advice based on his lifelong experiences and personal knowledge. A successful life includes those things but goes beyond what society deems successful. This book may assist you in resetting your personal life or helping a young mind.

As mentioned above, A Revelation of Life Endeavors was written to help the world remove outside forces that turn us into bad people. Readers can expect to be brought closer to God once more because the author doesn’t want us to stray so far away from God and be brought to Satan’s embrace.

Readers can also expect a captivating journey into the unfortunate world of impoverished families. With the help of getting a series of instructional essays and lectures about how we can help improve our society’s plight as individuals.

Is A Revelation of Life Endeavors Worth Reading?

The short answer is yes! Thomas Rebert Jr.’s A Revelation of Life Endeavors is a worthy read and immensely respected in religious, self-help books. The author has put all his heart into this book, and one can see that Mr. Rebert is genuinely trying his best to contribute towards the betterment of humankind. We now have a better chance of fixing the societal issues that we currently have.

One of the central beliefs prevalent in the book is to “Ask for the Right Thing.” As Thomas Rebert Jr. says:

“Be careful what you ask for. It may not be the right thing. Most people would ask for money if they had a chance to receive anything they asked for. What would you ask for if you could receive anything you asked for? Would it be money? Hope not, for money is the way of the world.”

A Revelation of Life Endeavors is a great book to read, particularly if you want to become a better person and help fix secular issues whenever possible.

Click here to get your copy of A Revelation of Life Endeavors by Thomas Rembert Jr.!

1 Comment

  1. Thomas Rembert

    This is a remarkable analogy of what my book is about. Will there ever be peace, in our lifetime perhaps never because Man’s Laws are rapidly, replacing. God’s Laws, for example, The Bible states Do not lie with a Man as you do with a woman. It is detestable. {Leviticus 18 verse 22) Man’s Law say Same Sex Marriages are permitted, so who is right, Man or God? Now Churches are considering approving this arrangement. The Bible States Thou shall not kill, yet. death by gun is almost a daily occurrence, I see A Total Spiritual Revolution as the only solution for changing the fabric of thinking to bring Society back to God or continue on the path of destruction.


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