Troy Louis is one of today’s promising Christian literature authors and a gifted writer offering readers enlightenment through his books.
This astounding writer will provide readers powerful wisdom and lessons that can apprise and see things from a different outlook. Readers will discover uplifting introspective from his books.
Troy Louis: Living Life with Christ
Troy Louis is an author and a faithful Christian. He was born and raised in the city of New Orleans, Louisiana. Louis was born into a big family. Troy Louis’ family consisted of three boys and three girls. At the present time, he resides in Metairie, Louisiana.
At his birth, he weighed no more than a pound and a half. He was believed to have a slim chance of living. However, Louis was a fighter that he is here today alive and well. During his teenage years, he devoted his life to Christ and became a committed Christian from then on. Having desired to live for Christ, he found his life becoming challenging. But if Louis was to look back at his past, he is amazed and thankful for how Christ completely transformed his life. He gives credit to the Lord for this wonderful transformation.
Troy Louis is a person who loves encouraging people and giving them Godly counsel for problems that anyone may bear in this day and age. He had never had passion or interest in reading how much more in writing. However, a time in his life came where God has given him the desire to write and share the many revelations of God and the truth of life experience. Writing has now become a way for Louis to influence and inspire the people in and around his life.
At the present, Troy Louis has written two Christian books entitled, Sitting in Jesus’ Lap and Honor God with Your Body respectively.
Sitting on Jesus’ Lap and Honor God With Your Body
The book, Sitting on Jesus’ Lap, was Louis’ debut work in the Christian literature genre that he published in 2018. This enlightening book was inspired by the Holy Bible. The Bible has played a great role in his journey along with the various ministries he worked within his Christian walk. The Bible was the very first book he was able to read from cover to cover. In 2010 while he was teaching a men’s Bible study, the topic of that particular study was called Sitting on Jesus Lap. This was a place where you can run to when you’re on the roller coaster ride of life. At some point in one’s life, things can go out of control despite one’s efforts and diligence. This emphasizes how Jesus Christ will be there with arms open whenever anyone feels like crying and seeks guidance. He explained how sometimes humans often find themselves living in a life that can lead to emptiness. In this book of Troy Louis’ A Great Purpose In Life in which God will lead the way to find this. This will help guide readers on the steps when they cry out for help due to the world’s challenges and chaos. This aims to dig deep into the answers to society’s outcry for help in this era.
His second book, Honor God With Your Body, is written to share Lord’s inspiration. Published in 2019, this guides readers who they truly are setting them apart from who they strive to become. This emphasizes how God desires for His people to utilize the talents, gifts, and abilities given to them from birth to their highest potential. God desires for His people to live a life free from comparison and trying to be other than themselves. This explains how chasing one’s passion includes setting one’s heart and soul into it and have the Lord be the center of it all.