Neil C. Griffen
Neil C. Griffen is an American author born and raised in upstate New York. He has served four years in the Air Force. He has a Bachelor’s degree in Physics which he earned at State University of New York at Fredonia, a Master’s degree at Pennsylvania State College, and PhD at Ohio State University. He was awarded nine patents while working for Mettler-Toledo and ten patents during his service to Lakeshore Cryotronics. He was ordained and became a certified medium of the First Spiritualist Church of Linden in Columbus, Ohio during his time in OSU. He was once elected as president of the Ohio State Spiritualist Church. And years later, he was elected as National Board of the National Spiritualist Association of Churches.

Brad Wyrick
Brad Wyrick is a Christian author who aims to connect believers with God through his writings. He took part in Hippie and Jesus movements in California during the 1960s and 1970s. He accepted Christ in his life during 1969 in a church tent in California. He confessed that during many seasons in his life he was not a saint. In 1978, he rededicated his life to the Lord that he has grown to love and has a strong desire for the Word of God. He taught New Believer Classes at Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa and Newport Beach Vineyard Church. And for over thirty years, he has written and taught a lot of Bible Studies due to his passion for New Believers in Christ.

Shihyun Sherry Wang
Shihyun Sherry Wang is an world renowned writer, producer, director, and editor. Prior to her success, she was a CPA and realtor. After retiring, she wrote her very first book during 2016. No one believed that an old Chinese lady that is full of talent will gain success from writing books. And she proved them wrong. Three years later, this author turned seven of her books into twenty award winning films. Her many accolades include 493 awards and nominations for her documentaries, 150 awards for her biography films, 238 wins and nominations for her dramas, 114 wins and nominations for her Sci-Fi films, 17 awards for musical films and music videos, and 4 awards for her two Western films. Miss Wang’s latest fiction novel, Tina, was released June of 2019.

Attilio Guardo
Attilio Guardo earned a BS Degree in General Business Management at University of Hartford. After graduating he decided to serve his country by joining the United States Army. After his discharge from the military and pursued a profession in accounting and management, he did something that can be considered brave. He married a woman who was divorced and have six children. They enjoyed forty-one years of marriage before his wife’s death in 2016.
His grandchildren has inspired him to write children’s books which his grandchildren loved. However, this was not his first stint in writing. At a young age he discovered his passion and love for writing that at the age of 9, he was able to finish a 55-page novel with the title Three Ways. And two years later, at the age of 11, he has written a play which was performed at his backyard. And now, Attilio Guardo has published numerous successful novels, one of which is The Miracle of Wendy Whimple.

Paul Gerhard Tittel
Author Paul Gerhard Tittel led a difficult life. His coming of age was during World War II and at a time where there is ensuing occupation of Soviets in Eastern Europe. At the age of sixteen, Tittle escaped to West Germany and ultimately immigrated to the United States. He earned a Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at John Hopkins University. He then pursued a career at University of Maryland as an instructor in the ophthalmology department. He married his wife and have been together for fifty-seven years. They have six children and fifteen grandchildren in total. When Tittle has time, he plays musical instruments and serve as a choir director. His book, Grace Will Lead Me, is a memoir of his and two of his relatives striving to survive the ravages of World War II.

Dr. James A. Mcgruder
Dr. Jame A Mcgruder earned a Doctor of Ministry degree, Doctor of Philosophy degree in Psychology, and is a Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC). He is an associate pastor in Christ Care Unit Missionary Baptist Church and Cathedral in Sicklerville, New Jersey since 2015. He was an Adjunct Professor of Psychology for eleven years at Camden County College. He has authored the book Cutting Your Losses from a Bad or Toxic Relationship.