Realms of Erdaris: Forgotten In The Ashes by Michael Patrick

by | Apr 9, 2021 | Author | 0 comments

Welcome to the Realms of Erdaris, an epic fantasy series about a magical world full of wonder and adventure created by Michael Patrick. Our journey into this tale began with Cora, a kindhearted 8-year-old in A Flower Among The Gold, and is now continued by its latest release, Forgotten In The Ashes.

About Forgotten In The Ashes

Nearly a decade has passed since the Everstone family journeyed from Riverbend to the Golden Citadel in hopes of admitting their distressed daughter, Cora, into the world’s foremost magical academy. As haunting visions of the past plagued this innocent child, the elven families of Starborne and Ashmane intervened by devising a temporary cure, though one that came at a high price.

Now protected from the contemptuous Grand Magister who sought to exploit her gifts, Cora continues her training among her peers while the Starbornes focus on a rising threat to the south – one that has not been seen or heard of for centuries.

Inspiration For A Flower Among The Gold

The story of Cora Everstone begins with her moving from her small town of Riverbend to the illustrious elven capital known as the Golden Citadel. Uprooted from her humble farming village, she is now thrust into a large city full of wonder and amazement, where she will learn to harness her magic by studying within The Magister’s School for the Gilded Highborn.

Cora is small for her age and a victim to bullying, but with the help of other kind souls around her, she is able to overcome and persevere against the odds. Her story takes inspiration from my mom and grandmothers, who through difficult trials, managed to migrate from Latin America during times of civil unrest and eventually settle within the United States. Just like Cora had to learn a new language to harness her magic, the strong women within my family had to do the same in order to survive and raise a family within a new country. They were similarly bullied in school and disadvantaged in a surrounding world that seemed rough, yet they remained kind and positive through it all, not giving up just like Cora.

About Me

I’m a bilingual, first-generation immigrant and my first published series is the Realms of Erdaris. I’m eternally grateful to the amazing women in my life. My mom and grandmothers are my inspiration, my sister is my best friend, and my wife is my rock – also my editor. Without them, I would not be here writing any stories.

Available Works and Social Media

If you would like to look into the two volumes available within the Realms of Erdaris series, they are available on Amazon, Kindle, and at your local bookstores. You may also view them on the direct links below:

I am also available on Goodreads and Twitter, where I plan to publish regular updates on the series.

About The Future Of The Realms of Erdaris

The Realms of Erdaris series will continue with the following titles and their approximate release dates:

  • A Fate of Water and Wind in March 2022
  • The Jade Dragonheart in March 2023
  • The Grand Forges in March 2024
  • The Life Chronicles in March 2025
  • The Shadow’s Mark in March 2026

Thank you for taking the opportunity to read about my work and a little about myself. This wonderful opportunity to create this article was provided by the Authors’ Lounge, who have helped me with publishing this informational piece. A big thank you to Elizabeth and the amazing folks at the Authors’ Lounge and ReadersMagnet!


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