In September 2013, I sat down and started to write a book; Healing by His Spirit became a space where I had the opportunity to offer a message to an audience regarding the miracle of divine intervention; addressing the reality of obstacles, and the possibility of each and every individual to overcome them.
The sole drive behind the manuscript is to testify to the encompassing love that God has for each individual, whether they feel acceptable or not. “Healing by His Spirit” reiterates that when examining our feelings of unacceptability the need and blessing of God’s love and grace can come to those who may not understand that in every crisis there is a way to be healed. During, my darkest hours I had to strive to maintain a steady course; focusing on continuing my spiritual journey through my faith in God.
As events unfolded in Healing by His Spirit, I experienced different levels of His healing power. It is a story that will teach you, no matter your circumstance, how to rise above adversity. It is a story of hope. What tools would you use to climb a mountain? While no mountain is the same, no challenge is the same. One has to start with the means to overcome the challenges that may occur throughout his/her spiritual journey. How would you prepare for a mountain climbing experience?
I exhort one to prepare himself/herself with faith in God’s love and acceptance of one’s feeling of unacceptability, and His Son’s promise that if you have the faith of a mustard seed all things are possible. My experience leads me to suggest that one should make a continued effort to persevere, in one’s spiritual journey in the realization for the need to make a continued effort to rise above adversity, during the transition point(s). How do you overcome your challenges? How do you conquer your mountain?
Adversity is something that every individual encounters. All individuals should strive daily to overcome obstacles seen and unseen. At times obstacles may seem insurmountable but looking at the word ad·ver·si·ty there are several other words that can be found within, including: Strive Stay Stray Varied Steady. Be encouraged and insert perseverance into the hours that seem the darkest in your life; immerse yourself in faith.
There may be many variations to challenges when you do not wholly trust in the signs and tools provided by God. When traumatic events occur in life, God’s intervention can bring you into a closer relationship with Him. When encountering fear, insecurity, doubt and uncertainty, I urge you to rely on God through prayer. Challenges can be looked at as unnecessary difficulties. Faith turns challenges into opportunities to show yourself approved as a pilgrim on your spiritual journey. One can experience several emotions, in the darkest hours of life, including; fatigue and acceptance, prior to revelation.
Faith is a cornerstone in striving to maintain a steady course. Hope will allow you to gear your mindset towards a more divine spiritual existence and growth without succumbing to difficulties, failures, or oppositions that are presented in your life’s challenges. This will enable you to find GOD’S purpose for you within your spiritual journey; make a decision to be molded by the challenges that you may face.
This is a very promising book. I highly recommend people to check it out.
This was recommended to me by a friend. I’m glad I purchased it.