ReadersMagnet came up with a few things you can do to make Christmas more meaningful while at home.
This Year’s Christmas is a bit different because of the pandemic. As of this writing, the United States is continuing its fights while the vaccine is on its way. Health protocols are still being strictly implemented in various states, such as social distancing, banning most flights, and public gatherings, especially in public places. With these guidelines still in effect, it is safe to say that most of us will be spending the Christmas holiday at home. Although this might mean a less celebratory Christmas for many, especially those who are used to festivities, parties, and gatherings, this does not mean that we cannot have a memorable one. Below are ways we can turn this pandemic Christmas into a meaningful one.
Be in the Moment, Be With the Family
Christmas time means quality with the family. Despite being stuck at home for the holidays, there are countless ways that you can enjoy each other’s company. Aside from preparing food and eating meals together, this can be a chance to catch up with each other. Movie marathons, games, or doing household chores together are just some stuff you can engage in. Also, many of us are stuck with our smartphones. It could be great if we can limit the use of these gadgets at home, especially during meals and family activities. This way, we ensure that each member of the family gets to be mentally and spiritually present and at the moment this Christmas.
Reflect and Evaluate the Year Internally
This can be done individually or with the family. The year 2020 has not been kind for many of us, and there are many things that we did not expect to happen. The Covid-19 pandemic positively has affected many aspects of our existence: personal, social, our jobs, educations, and even our spiritual relationship with God. For many, the pandemic drew them closer to God. Sadly, some succumb to depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. Despite these, there is still a lot to be thankful for. Therefore it is essential to reflect and look back at the good things that still happened this year. By doing so, we remain grounded and appreciate more what we have- family, friends, life, etc.
Build a Stronger Relationship with God
Aside from reflection and examining what transpired this year, it is also essential to revisit our spiritual relationship with God. According to Marianna Albritton, author of the book Come Climb Toward God: Are You Hungry for God? Jesus’ is the only way to satisfy the deep hunger in our soul.’ Furthermore, she also emphasized in her book the importance of building a more meaningful relationship with God. Christmas is about remembering Christ’s birth and what that means to each and every one of us. Therefore, it is only appropriate that we spend a part of our long holiday reconnecting with Jesus Christ and reexamine our faith in God. With us stuck in the comforts of our homes, this is an opportune time to seek solace and serenity.
Be Productive, Tap Your Creative Juices
Being in a confined space does not mean you cannot be productive and creative. You can start with a maintenance check around the house- leaks in the pipe, weeds in the garden, or dog house repair. You can also try re-arranging certain parts of the house. Innovation is a great time to express your creative self. Of course, being productive is not limited to household chores. You can also use the time actually to be productive with your health. Do light, brief physical exercises by yourself or with the whole family. This holiday season, food and drinks are sure in abundance, and we need to keep burning those extra carbs and fats if we want to stay healthy and fit after Christmas break. It is also a great way to start a healthy routine for you and the whole family.
Learn New Things and Plan for Next Year
Everyone is anxious and at the same time excited to welcome the New Year and leave 2020 behind them, and rightly so. However, if there is one thing we have learned from this year, some things are beyond our control. When the Covid-19 hit Asia, nobody thought it would become a pandemic that would cripple almost every country in the world. That is why the long holidays are a time for learning new things for the new normal that will come. The long holiday is also a chance for us to plan without necessarily being panicky or cynical. Learn new skills, a new mindset, new disciplines, and new values. While it is true that vaccines are now being tested, this does not guarantee that things will return to the way they used to be, and as such, we must make sound contingency plans for our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being.