The article feature kids’ perception of CoViD-19 as discussed n Dora Przybylek’s book, Luisita And Covid-19, an illustrated book.
Pandemic COVID-19 is the most significant and disastrous communicable outbreak affected globally, impacting each individual in the community. Children, although luckily, were least medically affected by COVID-19; however, they were challenged with abstinence in all social interactions. Social interaction and engagement to learn and grow are the cruces of childhood. School closures could significantly impact children’s mental well-being and put them at greater risk, especially children from low-income families with low resource access.
Below are the three common perceptions of children about CoViD-19:
1. Fear of drastic changes. Children are susceptible to their environments. They imbibe all that is happening around them, and whether they express their feelings adequately or not, it is evident that they have had a lot to adjust to, and it has not been easy. Many parents identified that their children seem scared of all happening in these unprecedented times. They have a hard time processing how everything just so abruptly changed. Closing schools and social spaces and limited to no interaction with friends and family have raised many questions in their minds. This fear has also led to a lot of confusion, and frequently they turn to their parents to help them understand the current situation.
2. Increase a Sense Of Responsibility. Since children are susceptible to their environments, it is natural that they would pick up all the new information and habits from around them. Parents have shared how the kids have not only become more curious about what is going on and started asking more questions, but they have also adapted habits of self-hygiene. They practice physical distancing, and giving each other space is turning into second nature for them.
3. Gratitude For Being At Home With Family. Indeed, children have never gotten so much time to be at home and spend time with their parents, who are also homebound. A lot of them consider this period to be an extended vacation and take it as an opportunity to have fun. Even though there are times when they feel irritable and miss outdoor life, they have grown to understand the value of family time. They can choose when to sleep and study and have also started helping with household chores. This shows that children can look at the silver lining in all situations amidst all the negative feelings of fear, unhappiness, and confusion.
Dora Przybylek’s Luisita And COVID-19
The kids mentioned above’ perceptions on Corona Virus has been conveyed in Dora Przybylek’s book, Luisita And COVID-19, one of the few compelling covid-19 children’s story books written. The story started when Luisita first heard about COVID-19 on TV. As she usually does, she asks her mom many questions. Luisita learns about the disease and what to do to avoid getting sick. She misses visiting the park and seeing her friends but enjoys family time while staying home. Many things have changed, and now Luisita is happy to return to school. Luisita and COVID-19/ Luisita y la COVID-19 is part of the Luisita Series and is written in Spanish and English. All books of the Luisita Series have received several awards. Luisita and COVID-19/Luisita y la COVID-19 won the Best Translation Children’s Book at the 2021 International Latino Book Awards. It also won an honorary mention at the 2020 Campoy-Alda Awards of the North American Academy of the Spanish Language.
Author’s Bio
Dora Przybylek is an award-winning Peruvian-American author, poet, and screenwriter living in New York. She has written two novels, Luna Llena Cabalgando sin riendas and Luque 687 Visitas al ayer, which received awards at the 2009 and 2015 International Latino Book Awards, respectively. Her book of poetry, Entre Líneas, won the Best Anthology of Poetry category at the 2021 International Latino Book Awards.
She has also written a bilingual children’s series which has received several awards, including several categories at the International Latino Book Awards.