I recently entered a contest for writing a story in 50 words and manage to write it in 27. Yes, I ‘retorted’ to poetry.
“I wrote a poem / And found it obtuse / Painted a picture / Just to amuse / Never dull, will see to it, / How will this be used?” Sometime ago, not too long, I figured that I have many ‘thoughts’ I wanted expressed. I did not know how else to approach the audience, because I did not want to bore anybody and this is how I stumbled upon writing poetry and later on pairing it with photography.
Whether I try to rhyme or not, what I usually do is try to tell a story and make it in such a way as to attract people’s attention. So, metaphors are an easy choice for getting things done. It can be succinct, it can be enunciating, you can shout things at the intended audience and it is still, in my humble opinion, poetically beautiful. Poetically beautiful could be a redundancy in terms, since poetical can be considered a synonym for beautiful, yet, in poetry, such behavior can be called an ‘alliteration’ and so would a repetition or listing.
I recently summoned the courage and translated my favorite poem of all time, from Romanian into English, ‘The Evening Star’ by Mihai Eminescu. Eminescu used even grammatically incorrect expressions such as ‘descend down’ for example, in order to create poetic value.
Comparing my poetry to Eminescu’s is complete lack of modesty, or almost a crime for those who know his work and yet, I just love his poems and feel inspired by them. THAT, is not a crime!
i think wherever you find your inspiration, it is always beautiful
everyone should write poems!